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STAP新方案出笼,小保方“咸鱼翻身”? 精选

已有 16491 次阅读 2014-9-18 00:07 |个人分类:名人轶事|系统分类:人物纪事| 小保方晴子, stap



就在这个火烧眉毛的节骨眼上,小保方的美国导师、Nature论文共同作者之一、哈佛大学医学院的Charles Vacanti及其实验室成员、另一位Nature论文共同作者小岛宏司于9月3日突然公布了一份新的实验方案,宣称成功制备STAP细胞的关键是在酸浴中添加过去从未提及的腺苷三磷酸ATP)。









Below is a revised protocol to improve the chances of successfully creatng pluripotent STAP stem cells from mature somatc cells, not dependent on the source of cells. The protocol has been revised to refect improved techniques. As we learn more about the STAP cells, it is likely that new stresses will be identfied and that nutrients and chemicals will be developed which are much more effectve at creatng STAP cells.  

This protocol has been modified from what was originally published (and then retracted), and also from the previous protocol that we posted online on this site, for the following reasons:

1.  We made a significant mistake in our original declaraton that the protocol was “easy” to repeat. This was our belief at the time, but it turned out to be incorrect. Many of the steps described appear to be a function of the technique of the individual investgator. Consequently, the revised protocol below should increase the likelihood of success.  It combines the use of ATP as a supplemental source of energy with two very effectve stresses to achieve the desired result; that is, creation of pluripotent STAP cells.

2.  In reviewing our original approach, and the rationale exposing the cells to a low pH, it was recalled that we had originally experimented with the additon of ATP as an external energy source in hope of improving the viability of the cells and the spheres generated. At that time,it was noted that the additon of ATP not only resulted in better sphere formation, but was also associated with a marked decrease in the pH of the soluton to which the mature cells were exposed. Consequently, we started to focus on the effect of low pH alone as a stress to induce the creation of STAP cells, without evaluating other potential beneficial effects of ATP.  In recent months, our lab decided to re explore the utlity of a low pH soluton containing ATP in generatng STAP cells. We found that while pH alone resulted in the generaton of STAP cells, the use of a low pH soluton containing ATP, dramatcally increased the efcacy of this conversion.

When this acidic ATP soluton was used in combinaton with mechanical trituraton of mature cells, the results were even more profound. Consequently, our protocol has been now modifed as described below to utlize these fndings to increase the efcacy of generatng STAP cells.

The revised protocol seems to be much more efectve for generatng STAP cells in our lab, regardless of the cell type being studied. It combines the additon of ATP as a supplemental energy source, with elements of the most effective approaches originally published and later retracted in the article, (Obokata et. al., Stmulus triggered fate conversion of somatc cells into pluripotency. Nature 505. 641-647, 2014).

It is very important that each step be performed precisely as described. The protocol will vary slightly if you are startng with tissue rather than a cell suspension. It is especially important to triturate the cell suspension in the acidic ATP soluton for a minimum of 30 minutes, until the suspension can be easily triturated up and down the reduced bore pipetes of the smallest orifices. We first describe the protocol when starting with a suspension of cells, and then describe additional steps necessary when starting with a soft tissue.

Generatng STAP cells from a suspension of mature somatic cells:

A1.  First, make a stock solution of ATP, 200 mM, (which will be added to HBSS in the next step), by adding 110.22 mg of ATP powder (Adenosine 51 Triphosphate Disodium Salt Hydrate - Sigma A2383) to each 1 mL of water (MilliQ water).  The pH of the resulting ATP soluton solution is about 3.0.

A2. Place 5 mL of HBSS Hanks Balanced Saline Soluton (HBSS Ca+Mg+ Free: Gibco 14170-112) into a 15 mL tube. Place a clean pH sensor into the HBSS. Titrate in the ATP stock soluton, drop by drop, into the HBSS until the desired pH of 5.0 is obtained (roughly a few hundred microliters).  Mix the soluton regularly to ensure that the measurement is accurate. The final acidic HBSS soluton is has an ATP concentraton of about 3-5 mM.  This will be used below in Step A5.

A3.  Add the live somatic cells to be treated, as a cell suspension to a centrifuge tube, and then centrifuge at 1200 rpm for 5 minutes. Note: Trypsin-EDTA, 0.05 % (Gibco: 25300-054) can be added to the tssue culture dish containing cells, for 3-5 minutes, to release adherent cells to be added to the centrifuge tube.

A4.  Aspirate the supernatant down to the cell pellet.

A5. Resuspend the resulting pellet at a concentraton of 1 million cells/ml in the low pH, Hanks Balanced Saline Soluton with ATP, (made above in Step 1A) in a 50 ml tube. Note: We recommend working with a volume of 2-3ml of the cell suspension in a 50ml tube.

A6. Precoat a standard 9" glass pipete with media (so the cells do not stick to the pipete - we use: (Fisher brand 9" Disposable Pasteur Pipetes: 13-678-20D). Triturate the cell suspension in and out of the pipete for 5 minutes to dissociate cell aggregates and any associated debris. This can be done with a fair amount of force.

A7. As a final extremely important step in the trituration process, make two fire polished pipetes with very small orifices as follows: Heat the standard 9" glass pipete over a Bunsen burner and then pull and stretch the distal (meltng) end of the pipete, until the lumen collapses and the tip breaks of, leaving a closed, pointed glass tip. Wait until the pipete cools, and then break of the closed distal tip until a very small lumen is now identifable. Repeat this process with the second pipete, but break the tip of a little more proximally, creating a slightly larger distal lumen.  The larger lumen should be about 100-150 microns in diameter, while the other pipete should have a smaller lumen of about 50-70 microns.  Now triturate the cell suspension through the pipete with the larger lumen for 10 minutes. Follow this with trituraton through the pipete having the smaller lumen (50-70 microns) for an additional 15 minutes. Continue to triturate the suspension until it passes easily up and down the free polished pipete of the smaller bore. This is a very important step. Do not skip this step, or take a shortcut. Again,remember to precoat a each pipete with media. Also, during trituraton, try to avoid aspiratng air and creatng bubbles or foam in the cell suspension.

A8. Add normal HBSS (containing no ATP) to the suspension to a total volume of 20ml, centrifuge at 1200rpm for 5 minutes, and then aspirate the supernatant.

A9. Resuspend the resulting pellet in 5ml of what we term “sphere media”(DMEM/F12 with 1% Antbiotc and 2 % B27 Gibco 12587-010) and place at a concentraton of 10^5 cells/ml, within a non-adherent tissue culture dish in the presence of the following supplements: b-FGF (20ng/ml), EGF (20ng/ml), heparin (0.2%, Stem Cell Technologies 07980). LIF (1000U) should be added if the cells are murine).

Note: Supplements such as bFGF, EGF and heparin may not be necessary.Important: Afer the cells are placed in tssue culture dishes, they should be gently pipeted using a 5ml pipete, twice/day for 2 minutes, for the first week, to discourage them from attaching to the botom of the dishes. This is important to generate good sphere formaton. Add sphere media containing the supplements described every other day. (Add 1ml/day to a 10cm culture dish, or 0.5ml/day to a 6cm dish.)

Generatng STAP cells when startng with soft tissues that contain many RBCs.

B1. Place the excised, washed sterile organ tissue into an 60mm petri dish containing 50-500μl of collagenase, depending on the size of the tissue. Add a sufficient volume of the collagenase to wet the entre tssue.

Note:Diferent types of collagenase or other enzymes are better for diggestion of different organ tissues. (The spleen may not need to be exposed to any digestive enzymes.)

B2. Mince and scrape the tissue for 10 minutes using scalpels and scissors to increase surface area that is exposed to the collagenase, until the tissue appears to become gelatenous in consistency.

B3. Add additonal collagenase to the dish to make the total volume = 0.5ml, and place in an incubator/shaker for 30 minutes at 37°C at 90rpm.

B4. Add 1.5ml of the low pH HBSS/ATP soluton (see step A2) to the dish (yielding a total volume of 2.0ml) and then aspirate the entire contents via a 5ml pipete and place into a 50ml tube.

B5. Now proceed to triturate as previously described above (step A6-A7) when starting with mature somatic cells.

B6. Afer trituraton is completed (through step A5 when using a culture dish of mature somatic cells), add 3ml of HBSS, yielding a volume of 5ml, to the 15ml tube and then slowly add 5ml of Lympholyte to the bottom of the tube to create a good bilayer.

Note: It is important to add this as described to create a bilayer and avoid mixing of the two solutons.

B7. Centrifuge this tube at 1500g for 10 min. Rotate the tube 180° and recentrifuge at 1500g for an additional 10 min. This will cause the erythrocytes to form a pellet at the bottom of the tube.

B8. Using a standard 9” glass pipete, aspirate the cell suspensions layer between HBSS and Lympholyte and place in a new 50 ml tube.

B9. Add HBSS to the suspension to a total volume of 20ml of HBSS and then thoroughly mix the suspension by pipeting via a 5ml pipete for 1 minute.

B10. Centrifuge the solution at 1,200rpm for 5 minutes and aspirate the supernatant.

B11. To fnish the process, proceed with Steps A5 – A9, above.

The above protocol seems to be the most efectve protocol “du jour” based on our most recent studies. In time, as more is learned about the STAP cell phenomenon, we are certain that the approach will continue to be modified to effectively utlize new stresses and chemical environments to create pluripotent STAP stem cells from mature somatic cells.

We have developed this most recent protocol to address concerns that to date, to our knowledge, other groups have been able to generate STAP cells using our previously published or posted protocols. While we are confident that the original protocols published, will work if performed with meticulous atention to detail, we have tried to develop a protocol based on new information, that should be much more effectve in demonstrating a phenomenon in which we have absolute confidence.

Charles A. Vacant, MD, and Koji Kojima, MD, PhD

September 3, 2014

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