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已有 7322 次阅读 2013-2-14 09:01 |个人分类:期刊论文|系统分类:论文交流| 原创, 中国人, 白血病, 维甲酸






Induction of differentiation may be an alternative approach to treatment of APL. Retinoic acid (RA), an analogue of vitamin A, is one of the many agents that can induce differentiation and terminal cell division of leukemic cells in vitro.5 At present, several cases of APL treated with 13-cis RA have been reported with encouraging results.6-9 We report in vitro studies and therapeutic trials of 24 APL patients using all-trans RA.







5. Koeffler HP: Induction of differentiation of human acute myelogenous leukemia cells: Therapeutic implications. Blood 62:709, 1983 

6. Flynn P. Miller W, Weisdorf D, Arthur D, Banning R, Branda R: Retinoic acid treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia: In vitro and in vivo observations. Blood 62:121 1, 1983 
7. Nilsson B: Probable in vivo induction of differentiation by retinoic acid of promyelocytes in acute promyelocytic leukemia. Bri Haematol 57:365, 1984 
8. Daenen 5, Vellenga E, van Dobbenbugh OA, Halie MR: Retinoic acid as antileukemic therapy in a patient with acute promyelocytic leukemia and Aspergillus pneumonia. Blood 67:559, I 986 
9. Fontana iA, Roger iS, Durham iP: The role of 13-cis retinoic acid in the remission induction of a patient with acute promyelocytic leukemia. Cancer 57:209, 1986







13-cis RA and all-trans RA were equally effective in induction of differentiation in vitro.5 Our studies confirm that, in vitro, leukemic promyelocytes could be induced by all-trans RA to differentiate toward mature granulocytes.









The toxicity of 1 3-cis RA is relatively lower than that of all-trans RA,25 but in our experience the side effects were well tolerated by the patients, some of whom have been taking RA for > 10 months with no severe untoward effects.






另外,王振义教授曾与法国人Laurent Degos共同发表一篇综述,题目是“全反式维甲酸治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病”(All trans retinoic acid in acute promyelocytic leukemia),全文发表于《癌基因》(Oncogene)2001年第20卷49期(。


Retinoids are able to induce a terminal differentiation of leukemic cell lines, such as HL60 and U937, and of short-term culture APL cells from humans (Breitman et al., 1981; Chomienne et al., 1986). An informal discussion between us (Degos and Wang, Paris, 1985) on differentiation therapy of APL using retinoids, pointed out the fact that the only available retinoid in Europe, the ethyl ester retinoid (etritinate) is not effective on APL cells (Chomienne et al., 1986). In fact the differentiation effect on fresh cells is restricted to patients with the APL subtype of non-lymphoblastic leukemia and the sensitivity of the malignant cells depends on the specific derivative, with ATRA being the most efficient drug (Chomienne et al., 1990).

All trans retinoic acid was produced in Shanghaï and first used to treat patients there (Huang et al., 1988). Following a collaborative meeting in Shanghaï in 1987, the Chinese drug was kindly provided to subsequently treat French patients (Castaigne et al., 1990).


以上描述说明,早在1981年和1986年,国际上已经有人报道维甲酸分别在白血病细胞株及APL短期培养细胞中诱导终末分化的研究结果。王振义教授与Laurent Degos曾在1985年就使用维甲酸对APL进行分化治疗做过非正式讨论。随后,全反式维甲酸分别在中国和法国开展了白血病的治疗,结果于1988年和1990年公开发表。



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