喜欢写物理学博文的Sean Carroll(http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/cosmicvariance/)新写了一本讲寻找Higgs粒子的书:The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads us to the Edge of a New World,下面一段话可以很好概括这一段发现的故事:
This is the story of the people who devoted their lives to discovering the ultimate nature of reality, of which the Higgs is a perfect embodiment. There are theorists, sitting with pencil and paper, fueled by espresso and heated disputes with colleagues, turning over abstract ideas in their minds. There are engineers, pushing machines and electronics well beyond the limits of existing technology.
And most of all there are the experimenters who bring the machines and the ideas together to discover something new about nature. Modern physics at the cutting edge involves projects that cost billions of dollars and take decades to complete, requiring extraordinary devotion and a willingness to bet high stakes in search of unique rewards. When it all comes together, the world changes.
我们的科学圈不缺projects that cost billions of dollars,但我们的领导者(或管理者)似乎缺了一点儿耐心(就像有的虐童的幼儿园老师)——我们的创新计划只有三年期的、五年期的,没有十年和几十年期的,更没有无期的。我们像落后的同学,一心想着跨越,从过去的大跃进到今天的大科学,从“一万年太久”到“一三五创新”,都是一样的精神,一样的病。
有趣的是,这些现象恰好可以用“Higgs机制”来解释——而且这个解释是获过奖的。1993年,LHC还在蓝图里,英国科学大臣William Waldegrave很感兴趣,却不明白那玩意儿,于是悬赏一瓶老葡萄酒,看谁能用一页纸把它说明白。结果,伦敦大学学院的David Miller和几个同事赢了——假如一个屋子有聚会,普通人进屋来,不惹人注意,可以很容易从人群中穿过。但是,假如铁娘子进来,人们会涌过来打招呼拍照片,她要走过人群就会困难得多,其效果就相对于她获得了额外的质量,运动变慢了。(这个解说后来衍生出很多版本,多用某明星来代替撒切尔老太太。)
Higgs机制的核心是自发性对称破缺,也就是真空态(或基态)变了,不对称了——对我们来说,没有“真”空了,不但不空,而且太实,负担太沉。《心经》说,“观自在菩萨行深般若波罗密多时照见五蕴皆空”,我们照见什么了?五光十色,眼花缭乱,如《维摩经》 说的,天女散花会落满我们一身,看起来烂漫有趣,却是“结习未尽”;用物理学的话说,就是粘滞性太强。
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