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哈佛的公牛和母牛 精选

已有 9381 次阅读 2010-9-2 08:45 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:人文社科

偶然翻一本旧的The Norton Reader(1988年第7版,pp1242),有个单元谈教育,看几篇文章的题目就有趣儿: 
Clamorous to learn (Eudora Welty)
College is a waste of time and money (Caroline Bird)
College today: Tune in, drop out, and take the cash (Barbara Ehrenreich)
Examsmanship and the liberal arts: a study in educational epistemology (William G. Perry, Jr.)
Is there any knowledge that a man must have? (Wayne C. Booth)
Nothing to say (Francis E. Sparshott)
浏览了一下题目最长的那篇,发现有点儿我的意思呢。作者William G. Perry, Jr. (1913 ~ 1998)是有名的教育心理专家,创立了哈佛大学Bureau of Study Counsel。文章是1963年应哈佛大学人文与科学学院教育政策委员会的请求而写的——谈的是“考试”,多数人大概会写一篇“官文”(那就不会走进Norton选本了)。开场白就挺吸引人:  
“But sir, I don't think I really deserve it, it was mostly bull, really.” This disclaimer from a student whose examination we have awarded a straight “A” is wondrously depressing. Alfred North Whitehead invented its only possible rejoinder: “Yes sir, what you wrote is nonsense, utter nonsense. But ah! Sir! It's the right kind of nonsense!”  
然后,作者讲了一个故事(an amoral fabliau)。一个学数学的同学本来去Memorial Hall看戏,赶上社会学的同学考试,里面有他的朋友,于是他也混在里面考了一回。结果,那些专业的同学大多得了C,而这位外来的却得了A!【这种情形在我们的研究生入学考试里一点儿不新鲜,特别是某些文科或像文科的学科。我以前有个师兄,他去考心理学,虽然没考上,但他没学过的专业课却考了第一名!不过性质与这儿的例子正好相反。】
作者认为,专业的同学重复了大家熟悉的东西,只不过表现了他们的用功(presentation of evidence of diligence alone);外来的同学不知道考试的内容,却能发表很好的批评。Perry称那些用功的活儿是parroting bull ——cow,母牛。母牛与公牛的区别是:  
cow (pure): data, however relevant, without relevancies.  
bull (pure): relevancies, however relevant, without data.  
母牛是数据,虽然有关联,却没揭示出来;公牛是关联,尽管发现了关联,但没有数据——当然都是“纯种”的。不过作者并不是想说大学知识就是两种牛的杂交。(I can assure him that I would not have imposed on him this way were I aiming to say that knowledge in this university is definable as some neuter compromise between cow and bull, some infertile hermaphrodite.)他接着将两个词动作化了:  
To cow (v. intrans.) or the act of cowing:  
To list data (or perform operations) without awareness of, or comment upon, the contexts, frames of reference, or points of observation which determine the origin, nature, and meaning of the data (or procedures). To write on the assumption that "a fact is a fact." To present evidence of hard work as a substitute for understanding, without any intent to deceive.  
To bull (v. intrans.) or the act of bulling:  
To discourse upon the contexts, frames of reference and points of observation which would determine the origin, nature, and meaning of data if one had any. To present evidence of an understanding of form in the hope that the reader may be deceived into supposing a familiarity with content.  
Here then, good bull appears not as ignorance at all but as an aspect of knowledge. It is both relevant and “true”. In a university setting good bull is therefore of more value than “facts”, which, without a frame of reference, are not even “true” at all.  


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