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已有 5362 次阅读 2013-3-5 15:47 |系统分类:科研笔记| 儿童, 女孩, 细菌, 肠道, BMI

    来自我国新疆的报道指出:在哈萨克族儿童(7-13岁)中,女孩体内拟杆菌Bacteroidetes越多以及拟杆菌和厚壁菌的比例 Bact/Firm约高则BMI指数越小,越瘦。然而在男孩体内没有发现明显的差异。
Correlation of intestinal microbiota with overweight and obesity in Kazakh school children
Background: This study sought to investigate a possible correlation between the intestinal microbiota,
Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes, and obesity in Kazakh school children, aged 7–13 (n = 175).
Results: Obese subjects had significantly greater systolic blood pressure, waist and hip circumference, as well as
HOMA-IR as compared to normal and overweight participants. In addition, Bacteroides copy number and Bact/Firm
ratios were significantly lower in the obese group as compared to the normal and overweight groups (P < 0.0167).
This difference is only significant in girls, but not in boys when stratified by gender. Furthermore, a negative
correlation between BMI and Bacteroidetes copy number (r = −0.18, P = 0.017) as well as Bact/Firm (r = −0.22,
P = 0.003) was observed.
Conclusion: An association between reduced gut Bacteroidetes and Bact/Firm ratio with obesity in female Kazakh
children was identified. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the mechanism behind these changes as well
as the value of determining their presence for predicting obesity.


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