《英国古植物学之伞》Umbrella of British Palaeobotany (33)
Dr. Howard Falcon Lang is a British palaeobotanist. He is working in the Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London at moment.
∮1 Education background
B.Sc. (Hons) Geological Sciences, Department of EarthSciences, University of Leeds, 1995.
Dissertation: Carbonate sedimentology of Jurassicrocks, Isle of Portland, Dorset.
Ph.D. Royal Holloway, Department of Geology, Universityof London, 1998.
The general information about Dr. Howard Falcon Lang’s Ph.D. thesis is as follows:
Title: Carboniferous wildfires : their impact on vegetation, ecologyand depositional environments.
Author: Falcon-Lang,Howard James.
Awarding Body: RoyalHolloway, University of London
Current Institution:Royal Holloway, University of London
Date of Award: 1998
Qualification Name:Thesis (Ph.D.)
Qualification Level:Doctoral
EThOS ID: uk.bl.ethos.300030
∮2 Research interests
The evolution of terrestrial ecosystems over the past 500 million years:
--The invasionof land by animals
--The rise andfall of the first rainforests
--Forestbiogeography in the age of the dinosaurs.
∮3 Employment history
Cretaceous Palaeontologist, British AntarcticSurvey, Cambridge, UK
Project: Cretaceous polar forests of the AntarcticPeninsula region
Killam Post-doctoral Fellow, Dalhousie University,Halifax, Canada
Project: Global change and vegetation through deeptime
NERCPost-doctoral Fellow, University of Bristol, UK
Project: Vegetation response to Pennsylvanianice-age cycles
Lecturer and Leverhulme Early Career Fellow,University of Bristol, UK
Project: Cretaceous biomes as an analogue forfuture global warming
Senior Lecturer and NERC AdvancedFellow, Royal Holloway, UK
concurrent with Humboldt Experienced Fellow,University of Münster, Germany
Project: Rainforest response to Pennsylvanianglobal warming
∮4 Publications (see Appendix 1)
Qigao Sun (孙启高 2016年1月28日初步整理)
《英国古植物学之伞》Umbrella of British Palaeobotany-33
Story of Paleobotany Series (No.423) [The 424th issue in total]
Dr. Howard Falcon Lang
英国植物学专辑special issue for British palaeobotany
Story of Palaeobotany Series(special issue for British palaeobotany)
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Appendix 1--Dr.Howard Falcon Lang’s recent publications
Falcon-Lang, H.15 Dec 2015 In Mid-Carboniferous diversification of continentalecosystems inferred from trace fossil suites in the Tynemouth Creek Formationof New Brunswick, Canada: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.440, p. 142-16019 p.
Falcon-Lang, H., Gibling, M. R., Pufahl, P.,Bashforth, A., Miller, R. & Minter, N. 1 Nov 2015 A Marine Incursion in the Lower Pennsylvanian TynemouthCreek Formation, Canada: Implications for Paleogeography, Stratigraphy andPaleoecologyIn : Palaios.30, 11, p.779-79113 p.
Falcon-Lang, H.1 Sep 2015 Early Permian (Asselian) vegetation from a seasonally drycoast in western equatorial Pangaea: Paleoecology and evolutionarysignificance.
In : Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology.433, p. 158–17326p.
Falcon-Lang, H.J. 1 Mar 2015A calamitalean forest preserved in growth position in thePennsylvanian coal measures of South Wales: Implications for palaeoecology,ontogeny and taphonomyIn : Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.214, p. 51-6717 p. Falcon-Lang, H.J., Labandeira, C. & Kirk, R. 1 Mar 2015Herbivorous And Detritivorous Arthropod Trace FossilsAssociated With Subhumid Vegetation In The Middle Pennsylvanian Of SouthernBritainIn : Palaios.30, 3, p. 192-20615 p.Gibling, M. R., Davies, N. S., Falcon-Lang, H.J., Bashforth, A. R., DiMichele, W. A., Rygel, M. C. & Ielpi, A.Dec 2014Palaeozoic co-evolution of rivers and vegetation: asynthesis of current knowledgeIn : Proceedings of the Geologists'Association.125, 5-6, p. 524-53310 p. Carpenter, D. K., Falcon-Lang, H.J., Benton, M. J. & Henderson, E. Nov 2014CARBONIFEROUS (TOURNAISIAN) FISH ASSEMBLAGES FROM THE ISLEOF BUTE, SCOTLAND: SYSTEMATICS AND PALAEOECOLOGYIn : Palaeontology.57, 6, p. 1215-124026 p.Falcon-Lang, H.J., Kurzawe, F. & Lucas, S. G. Jan 2014Coniferopsid tree trunks preserved in sabkha facies in thePermian (Sakmarian) Community Pit Formation in south-central New Mexico,U.S.A.: Systematics and palaeoecologyIn : Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.200, p. 138-16023 p.
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