Dukinfield Henry Scott (FRS, 1854--1943),British Botanist and palaeobotanist
英国皇家学会院士、植物学家和古植物学家--Dukinfield Henry Scott (FRS, 1854--1943)
中文摘要:在以往的工作中我们对英国古植物学的历史和现状进行了概述,但还有大量的工作要做。为了探讨英国伦敦皇家植物园(邱园)(Royal Gardens at Kew, London)与古植物学的渊源,本期《古植物学的故事》介绍英国著名的植物学家和古植物学家--Dukinfield Henry Scott (FRS, 1854--1943)。1892—1906年,Dukinfield H. Scott担任邱园Jodrell 实验室无薪主管(Honorary Keeper of the Jodrell Laboratory,Royal Kew Gardens)。Dukinfield H. Scott不仅是英国现代植物解剖学的代表人物,而且是化石植物解剖学的先驱人物。1894年,Dukinfield H. Scott当选为英国皇家学会院士。Dukinfield H. Scott是世界古植物学史上的著名古植物学家,不过,他生活在著名古植物学家Sir Albert Charles Seward(1863--1941)的盛名之下。
Dukinfield Henry Scott (1854–1934), Honorary Keeper of the Jodrell Laboratory (1892–1906)
∮ 1 Brief life chronology
--1854:born in London;
--1876: B.A. Christ Church College, Oxford University;
--1882: M.A. Christ Church College, Oxford University;
--1880 to 1882: studied botany with Professor Julius von Sachs (1832--1897), German botanist at Wurzburg,where he graduated Ph.D.;
--1882: appointed assistant professor of botany at University College, London;
-- 1885 to 1892: professor at the Royal College of Science;
--1892 to 1906: honorary keeper of the Jodrell laboratory at Kew Gardens;
--1894: elected F.R.S.-Fellow of the Royal Society London;
--1906: received a Royal medal from the Royal Society London;
--1908 to 1912: President of the Linnean Society of London;
--1912 to 1916: served on the council, and was Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society London;
--1916: elected foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences;
--1921: received gold medal from the Linnean Society London;
--1925: elected corresponding member of the French Academy of Sciences(当选为法国科学院通讯院士)
所属学科:植物学(section de botanique)
--1926: received Darwin medal of the Royal Society London;
--1928: received the Wollaston medal from the Geological Society of London;
--1930: chairperson of Palaeobotanical Section of the International Botanical Congress;
--1934:died at East Oakley House, Basingstoke.
∮ 2 Major Publications
"An Introduction to Structural Botany," of which Part I. reached its eleventh edition (with Mr. F. T.Brooks) in 1927, and Part II. its tenth edition in 1932;
The evolution of plants, By: Scott, Dukinfield Henry, 1854-1934.
Published: (1911)
The President's address: life and work of Bernard Renault.
By: Scott, Dukinfield Henry, 1854-1934.
Published: (1906)
On Fossil Plants, showing Structure, from the base of the WaverleyShale of Kentucky.
By: Scott, Dukinfield Henry, 1854-1934.
Published: (1914)
The evolution of plants / By: Scott, Dukinfield Henry, 1854-1934.
Published: (1929)
Extinct plants and problems of evolution, founded on a course ofpublic lectures delivered at the University college of Wales, Aberystwyth, in1922 /
By: Scott, Dukinfield Henry, 1854-1934.
Published: (1924)
On the structure and affinities of fossil plants from the Palaeozoicrocks /
By: Scott, Dukinfield Henry, 1854-1934.
Published: (1897)
An introduction to structural botany : part II, flowerless plants /
By: Scott, Dukinfield Henry, 1854-1934.
Published: (1897)
The anatomical characters presented by the peduncle of Cycadaceae /
By: Scott, Dukinfield Henry, 1854-1934.
Published: (1897)
Studies in fossil botany,
By: Scott, Dukinfield Henry, 1854-1934.
Published: (1909)
Studies in fossil botany /
By: Scott, Dukinfield Henry, 1854-1934.
Published: (1908)
Qigao Sun, October 18th 2015
Further informatioin:
Dukinfield Henry Scott (FRS, 1854--1934), British botanist and palaeobotanist
Julius von Sachs(1832--1897), German botanist
William Crawford Williamson(1816--1895)
Sir Albert Charles Seward(1863--1941)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Charles_Seward
The Linnean Society of London
Dukinfield Henry Scott. 1854-1934
F. W.O., A. C.S.
Published 1 December 1934.DOI: 10.1098/rsbm.1934.0006
F. W.O., --Francis Wall Oliver (FRS, 1864--1951),British palaeobotanist
A. C.S-- Sir Albert Charles Seward(1863--1941)
英国植物学专辑special issue for British palaeobotany 1
Story of Palaeobotany Series (special issue for British palaeobotany)
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British palaeobotany 2nd issue
Story of Palaeobotany Series(No.240) [The 241st issuein total]
Seward umbrella of world palaeobotany
2012-5-15 22:35
2012-6-1 23:44
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