

幕后女英雄--英国古植物学技术员Lindsey Axe

已有 4138 次阅读 2015-7-11 22:50 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| palaeobotany, Axe, Lindsey, behind-the-scenes, heroine


   在中国古植物学的很多学术机构里,技术员(Research Technician)通常是很尴尬的职业,而且技术员队伍很不稳定,可以说这方面的问题成堆,原因很复杂。英国古植物学界的情形如何?今天的《古植物学的故事》主要介绍非常敬业、非常专业、在卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)从事化石植物实验技术工作长达30多年的Lindsey Axe女士。

   英国卡迪夫大学古植物学家Dianne Edwards教授(FRS,1942--)是当今世界早期陆地植物研究领域(early land plants)最卓越的科学家。Dianne Edwards一位非常得力的研究助手,叫Mrs Lindsey Axe,她们密切合作了30多年,取得很多研究成果。

   30多年来,Lindsey Axe一直供职于卡迪夫大学,主要从事植物化石实验技术和实验室管理工作。她以极大的热情和耐心用严谨的实验技术方法特别对晚志留纪—早泥盆纪(距今4亿年前)的植物化石(包括化石孢子)开展了大量的扫描电镜工作。精美的扫描电镜照片提供了丰富的、准确可靠的结构植物学信息,大大促进了早期陆地植物的起源进化及其生态适应的研究。与此同时,精美的图片也展示了沉睡4亿之久的化石植物的形态结构之自然美!

The above figure is cited from Edwards & Kenrick (2015, Fig.3.)

[这是Edwards & Kenrick (2015)文中的第3张图,多为电镜照片,详细说明参见英文原文]

   在多如牛毛的学术会议上,我们从来没有见过英国古植物学同行Lindsey Axe女士的身影。在各种各样的科学旅行中,我们也似乎从来没有见过她的身影。细心的研究者偶尔从一些古植物学文献看到她的名字。Lindsey Axe和她的扫描电镜及植物化石在一起,和她的古植物学实验室在一起!我们对Lindsey Axe女士持之以恒、追求卓越的工作精神表示由衷的敬意!

1 教育背景Education

BSc –Geology, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK (1980)

2 工作经历 (Employment history)

Senior Research Technician – School of Earth & Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University, UK (2001 – present)

Research Technician – School of Earth &Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University, UK (1988 – 2001)

Research Technician – Department of PlantScience, Cardiff University, UK (1984 – 1988)

Research Technician – Department ofAnatomy, Cardiff University, UK (1983 – 1984)

Research Technician – Department ofPhysiology, Cardiff University, UK (1982 – 1983)

Research Technician – Department of Botany,University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK (1980 – 1981)

3 工作兴趣 (Research interests)

Light microscopy and imaging

Scanning electron microscopy

Devonian palaeobotany

∮4 研究论著 (Publications)




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Story of Paleobotany Series (No.374) [The375th issue in total]

幕后女英雄--英国古植物学技术员Lindsey Axe

Lindsey Axe: a behind-the-scenes heroine of UK palaeobotany




Lindsey Axe (Cardiff University) — Senior Research Technician

Dianne Edwards,  FRS FRSE FLS FLSW

Edwards, D. and Kenrick, P. 2015. The early evolution of land plants, from fossils togenomics: a commentary on Lang (1937) 'On the plant-remains from the Downtonian of England and Wales'. Philosophical Transactions of the RoyalSociety of London Series B - Biological Sciences 370(1666), articlenumber: 20140343. (10.1098/rstb.2014.0343)

Edwards & Kenrick (2015)文中的第3张图的详细说明如下[See Fig.3. of  Edwards, D. &Kenrick, P. (2015)]----

All scanning electron micrographs except where stated. (a) Cooksonia pertoni subsp. apiculispora. Lochkovian.North Brown Clee Hill, Shropshire. Scale bar, 500 µm. First published in [10, fig. 1a]. Museum number NMW94.60G.17. (b) C. pertoni subsp. apiculispora Lochkovian. North Brown Clee Hill, Shropshire. Scalebar, 500 µm. First published in [12, plate III-1].Museum number NMW94.60G.14. (c) Proximal (extreme right) and distal surfaces of sporesof Aneurosporanewportensis, isolatedfrom sporangium in (a). Scale bar, 20 µm. From [10, fig. 1d]. (d) Stoma from subtending stem in (a). Scale bar, 20 µm. From [10, fig. 1b]. (e) Cast of tracheid from stem in (a); grooves indicateposition of annular thickenings. From [10, fig. 2a]. (f)–(j) Spores present in subspecies of C. pertoni. (f) Proximal surface of Ambitisporites sp. (subsp. pertoni), Upper Silurian. Scale bar, 10 µm. First published in [13, fig. 3.1b].V.62776. (g,h)Proximal and distal surfaces of Synorisporites verrucatus (subsp. synorispora), Upper Silurian. Scale bar, 10 µm. First published in [14; plate 1, figs 3,4]. NMW93.143G.1. (i,j) Proximal and distal surfaces of Synorisporites sp. (subsp. reticulispora), Lochkovian. Scale bar, 10 µm. First published in [15, plate VI, 3,18]. NMW2012.29G.20 and 19. (k) Light micrograph of a tubular structure (?hypha/bandedtube) with internal spiral thickenings isolated from late Wenlock (Silurian),Rumney, Cardiff. Scale bar, 10 μm. First published in [16, fig. 23]. MPK6028. (l)Fractured end of banded tube, Ludlow (Upper Silurian), S. Wales. Scale bar, 5µm. First published in [17, fig. 68].NMW77.34G.33c. (m) Fusitheca fanningiae containing permanent laevigate dyads with thin envelope.Lochkovian, Shropshire. Scale bar, 500 µm. First published in [18, fig. 54].NMW97.42G.4. (n) Light micrograph of Velatitetras rugulata, a permanent tetrad enclosed in a ‘rucked’ envelope,isolated from Wenlock rock, Shropshire. Unpublished–courtesy of Neil Burgess.Scale bar, 10 μm. (o) Tetrahedraletes medinensis, a permanent tetrad, Ordovician, Shropshire. Scale bar,13 µm. First published in [19, fig. 5A]. (p) Light micrograph of Artemopyra brevicosta, a permanent dyad, Wenlock, Shropshire. Scale bar, 10µm. First published in [20; plate 1, fig.1]. (q) Dyadospora murusdensa, a permanent dyad, Ordovician, Shropshire. Scale bar, 10µm. First published in [19; plate 2, fig.11]. (r,s) Fragment of Nematothallus williamii, Lochkovian, Shropshire. First published in [21, fig. 1A,B]. Museumnumber NMW2013.39G.1. (r) Note three-layered thallus. Scale bar, 200 µm. (s) Magnification of (r) showing the surface patterning typical of the Nematothallus ‘cuticle’ and larger hyphae aligned perpendicular to thesurface. Arrows indicate positions of lateral branches or areas in contact witha postulated photobiont. Scale bar, 100 µm. (t) Gametophytes and fertile sporophytes of Funaria hygrometrica. Note bifurcating seta in sporophyte on extreme left.(Courtesy of Jill Harrison, Yoan Coudart and Alison Reed, CambridgeUniversity.)



我所认识的第一位英国古植物学家--DianneEdwards(FRS, 1942--)

Story of Palaeobotany Series (197)

Dianne Edwards (FRS, 1942--), the first Britishpalaeobotanist I have known

(The 1st Addendum to the Special Issue forBritish Palaeobotany)[in Chinese]

2013-5-19 03:53

British palaeobotany 2nd issue


2015-2-8 01:21


Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.287)[The 288th issue in total]


Meticulous work is welcome for palaeobotany





Conferenceor Workshop Items

上一篇:美国木化石专家--William D. Tidwell (1932--)
下一篇:美国木化石专家—Elisabeth Anne Wheeler
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