我所认识的第一位英国古植物学家--Dianne Edwards(FRS,1942--)
Story of Palaeobotany Series (197)
Dianne Edwards (FRS, 1942--), the first British palaeobotanist I have known
(The 1st Addendum to the Special Issue for British Palaeobotany)[in Chinese]
一 引子
我所认识的第一位英国古植物学家是Dianne Edwards教授(FRS,1942--)。1996年3月14日,Dianne Edwards当选为英国皇家学会院士。同年4月,Dianne和她先生一起访问中国,我在北京参与了部分接待工作。我记得,那是我第一次见到来自英国的古植物学家。那时,Dianne为英国皇家学会的新科院士,可谓意气风发。她先生是一位酷爱竖琴的工程师,却已不幸身患癌症。在陪同外宾的过程,我对Dianne的工作和生活有所了解。
1997年夏,我和同事们访问了英国威尔士大学[已改名为卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)]Dianne Edwards教授的实验室。此后,我在中国和英国多次见到Edwards教授。
如果按照中国古植物学家徐仁院士(1910--1992)的说法,Dianne Edwards教授属于“正统的古植物学家。”写作本文的目的是希望后学们要向Dianne Edwards学习----科研工作要聚焦,不能发散。
二 Dianne Edwards与古植物学
剑桥大学曾于1904年设立植物学院(The Botany School,University of Cambridge),很多年后改称植物科学系。
Dianne Edwards曾在剑桥大学植物学院学习,获得学士与博士学位[BA(Cantab) ,Sc.D (Cantab)]。在剑桥大学,Dianne Edwards跟随Kenneth R. Sporne(1915--)从事科学研究。K.R. Sporne的专长在于植物形态解剖学。虽然K. R. Sporne不是古植物学家,但他对古植物学非常感兴趣。K.R. Sporne出版过有关植物形态解剖学的几本教科书(如:The Morphology of Angiosperms《被子植物形态学》)。有些教科书包含许多古植物学内容。
Dianne 曾跟我说过,她涉足古植物学研究是非常偶然的。有一年,美国康奈尔大学的著名古植物学家Harlan P. Banks (1913--1998) 访问剑桥大学。Dianne Edwards聆听了Harlan P. Banks的学术报告,对早期陆地植物研究(early land plants)产生了浓厚兴趣。
Harlan P.Banks是20世纪研究泥盆纪植物的著名古植物学家之一,他于1980年当选为美国科学院院士。Harlan P. Banks对Dianne Edwards的学术生涯影响巨大。
1965年,Dianne Edwards在剑桥开始研究早泥盆纪植物(Lower Devonian plants,距今约4亿年),作为她的博士论文研究工作。1968年,Dianne Edwards获得剑桥大学博士学位。
Dianne Edwards的博士学位论文基本信息:
Thesis title: Aninvestigation of certain Devonian plants / Dianne Edwards.
Author(s): Edwards, Dianne.
Other entries: Universityof Cambridge. Faculty of Biology 'A'. Botany.
Physical description: 2 v.
Note: Date: 30January 1968. Thesis (Ph.D) - University of Cambridge, 1968.
Url for this record: http://search.lib.cam.ac.uk/?itemid=|manuscrpdb|28264
Dianne Edwards从剑桥大学获得博士学位后到康奈尔大学跟随Harlan P. Banks从事博士后研究。在结束康奈尔大学的博士后研究后,Dianne Edwards回到英国威尔士大学继续她的科学研究。几十年来,Dianne Edwards一直聚焦早泥盆纪植物的研究,她对科研非常勤勉执著,成就斐然。
Dianne Edwards非常幸运,因为她有一位非常得力的助手-- Mrs Lindsey Axe。 自1984年以来Lindsey Axe一直帮助Dianne Edwards从事大量的技术支持工作,包括大量的扫描电镜工作。
三 Dianne Edwards与中国
自1986年以来,Dianne Edwards先后多次访问中国。她是中国古植物学界及植物学界的老朋友。Dianne Edwards与中国同行开展了多项合作,包括英国皇家学会与中国科学院的合作。她曾到中国很多学术机构进行学术交流,并到许多省区开展野外工作。
四 古植物学之本色
下文是Dianne Edwards和她的同事们于2012年发表的论文,刊物Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology 的影响因子(IF)为2.0左右。但这是一篇正统的古植物学论文,一方面体现了剑桥大学植物学院的学术传统,另一方面反映了现代古植物学的真正本色。
D. Edwards, J.L. Morris, J.B.Richardson, L. Axe, K.L. Davies, 2012. Notes on sporangia and spore masses containing tetrads or monads from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland, U.K. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 179:56—86
我要感谢Dianne Edwards教授与我分享她学习古植物学并为之奋斗的经历,感谢她对我的鼓励。我要感谢中国科学院植物研究所王祺博士(“化石网”古植物学负责人之一)提供有关文献。
Dianne Edwards:
Distinguished for her investigations intothe nature of the earliest land plant fossils.
Professor Dianne Edwards is distinguishedfor her investigations into the nature of the earliest land plant fossils. Byskillful application of scanning electron microscopy, and the painstaking useof such techniques as the preparation of polished surfaces of pyritised planttissue, Dianne has elucidated the anatomy and morphology of numerous lateSilurian and early Devonian plants and thrown new light on the evolutionaryevents surrounding the first colonization of the land. In carefully documentedfield work in Wales, the Welsh Border, Scotland and other parts of the worldshe has greatly extended our knowledge of early land plant life, and addedprecision to the evolutionary time scale of the vascular plants which dominatethe Earths land flora today. Together with many collaborators she hasdemonstrated the earliest known occurrences of vascular tissue, stomata andmiospores in situ in fossil plant organs. Above all, Dianne has demonstrated anunexpected diversity in what has previously been regarded as a limited group ofstructurally simple, undistinguished Palaeozoic plants. As a former trustee ofthe National Botanical Gardens of Wales, she has been heavily involved in thefoundation and survival of this important scientific and cultural resource.
Professor Dianne Edwards is a botanistwho carries out interdisciplinary research relating to the invasion of the landby plants, some 400 million years ago and the impact of early land vegetationon the evolution of animals, lithosphere and atmosphere.
Professor Dianne Edwards researchspecialises in the thorough morphological and anatomical descriptions of thefossils using a wide range of techniques including scanning and transmissionelectron microscopy. With such a data base it becomes possible to speculatemore confidently on the evolution, palaeoecology, palaeophysiology andphytogeography of the plants and their roles in early terrestrial ecosystems.
Professor Edwards is a DistinguishedResearch Professor at Cardiff University. She is also a Fellow of the RoyalSociety, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, an honorary Fellow at theUniversity of Wales, Swansea, a Corresponding Member of the Botanical Societyof America.
J. G. Duckettand D. Edwards, 1984. K. R. Sporne, M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., F.L.S. BotanicalJournal of the Linnean Society, 88(1-2):iii-vii
Story of Palaeobotany Series (173)
Chinese Palaeobotanists (II)
Weiqing Zhu (1933--): the first palaeobotanist I have known [BriefEnglish introduction with Chinese citation]
Story of Palaeobotany Series (special issue for Britishpalaeobotany)
2012-6-24 22:23
Harlan P.Banks:《比较形态学与古植物学的崛起》
Story of Palaeobotany Series (92):
American palaeobotanist--HarlanP. Banks(1913—1998):Comparativemorphology and the rise of paleobotany [Englishinformation with Chinese introduction]
发表于2010-12-31 13:57:23
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