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已有 1828 次阅读 2024-6-6 21:40 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Fig. 1 Significant economic changes are essential to counter climate change, yet they risk substantial economic disruptions. A new dual-factor approach by the Complexity Science Hub aims to balance emissions reductions with economic stability by assessing both CO2 emissions and systemic economic impacts, as demonstrated in a detailed Hungarian case study.


Fig. 2 (A) Hungary’s production network. (B) Micro-level diagram of a production sub-network consisting of five firms. Every firm employs people, produces economic output, and emits CO2 byproducts. The right-hand bars show the total emissions, number of jobs, and total output of the sub-network. (C) ‘Remove largest emitters first’ strategy. To effectively reduce emissions, firm d which is the largest emitter, is removed. Firm e loses its only supplier which causes it to stop its production and lay off its employees. Firm c loses one of its suppliers and reduces its production level by 50%. In total, CO2 emissions are decreased by 50% while jobs are cut by 70%, similar to economic output. (D) ‘Smart strategy’ based on the identification of decarbonization leverage points. By closing systemically irrelevant firms a and b, total CO2 emissions are reduced by 50% while jobs drop by just 30%. Total output is affected similarly. Since in this schematic figure a linear production function is assumed for all firms, only firm c is affected by a and b’s production stops. The ratio of emission savings per job loss is maximal for this second strategy. Credit: Complexity Science Hub 

据奥地利维也纳复杂性科学中心(Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Vienna, Austria202465日提供的消息,该中心最近的一项研究探讨了在对经济影响最小的情况下实施气候政策的策略。根据政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change简称IPCC)的说法,为了防止灾难性的气候变化,需要迅速而影响深远的变化(“rapid and far-reaching change”)。 新的“成本效益”计划可以减少20%的二氧化碳排放,然而,它仍然需要花费数十亿美元(New “Cost-Effective” Plan Could Reduce CO2 Emissions by 20% – However, It Still Costs Billions of Dollars)。

复杂性科学中心(Complexity Science Hub简称CSH)的约翰内斯·斯坦格尔(Johannes Stangl)解释说:“经济向气候中和的转变总是会带来一定的经济压力,一些行业和工作岗位会消失,而另一些行业和工作岗位会被创造出来。”在气候政策措施方面,如何将经济损失降到最低值得考虑。

一个CSH团队开发了一种新方法来帮助解决这个问题。“要想了解气候政策对一国经济的影响,光有二氧化碳的排放数据是不够的,我们还必须理解企业在经济中所扮演的角色。”2024415日发表在《自然可持续发展》(Nature Sustainability)杂志网站上的研究报告的第一作者约翰内斯·斯坦格尔说。相关论文详见:Johannes StanglAndrás BorsosChristian DiemTobias ReischStefan Thurner. Firm-level supply chains to minimize unemployment and economic losses in rapid decarbonization scenarios. Nature Sustainability, 2024, 7: 581–589. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-024-01321-x. Published: 15 April 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-024-01321-x

参与此项研究的除了来自奥地利维也纳复杂性科学中心的研究人员之外,还有来自匈牙利国家银行(National Bank of Hungary, Budapest, Hungary)、奥地利维也纳医科大学(Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria)、美国圣达菲研究所(Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, USA)以及奥地利供应链情报研究所(Supply Chain Intelligence Institute Austria, Vienna, Austria)的研究人员。

二氧化碳排放量减少20%CO2 emissions reduced by 20%


CSH的斯蒂芬·图尔纳(Stefan Thurner)解释说:“在第一种情况下,我们研究了如果只考虑二氧化碳排放会发生什么。”为了减少20%的温室气体排放,该国最大的7家排放企业必须停止运营。然而,“与此同时,大约29%的工作岗位和32%的国家经济产出将会消失。这个想法完全不现实; 斯蒂芬·图尔纳说,“没有政治家会尝试这样的事情。”此外,如果考虑到温室气体排放和企业规模,将会产生严重的经济后果。

双因素法(A two-factor approach

约翰内斯·斯坦格尔解释说,“有两个因素至关重要:一家公司的二氧化碳排放量,以及与之相关的系统性风险,即该公司在供应网络中扮演的角色。”CSH的研究人员在早期的研究中开发了经济系统性风险指数(Economic Systemic Risk Index简称ESRI)。它估计了如果一家公司停产将造成的经济损失。


在公司层面(At the company level




这项工作得到了奥地利联邦气候行动、环境、能源、移动、创新和技术部(Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology as part of the funding project GZ 2021-0.664.668)、奥地利科学基金(Austrian Science Fund FWF under P 33751)、奥地利科学促进机构{ Austrian Science Promotion Agency / Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) project under 39071248}以及奥地利国家银行{Öesterreichische NationalbankOeNBHochschuljubiläumsfund P18696}的支持或资助。



Urgently needed carbon emissions reductions might lead to strict command-and-control decarbonization strategies with potentially negative economic consequences. Analysing the entire firm-level production network of a European economy, we have explored how the worst outcomes of such approaches can be avoided. We compared the systemic relevance of every firm in Hungary with its annual CO2 emissions to identify optimal emission-reducing strategies with a minimum of additional unemployment and economic losses. Setting specific reduction targets, we studied various decarbonization scenarios and quantified their economic consequences. We determined that for an emissions reduction of 20%, the most effective strategy leads to losses of about 2% of jobs and 2% of economic output. In contrast, a naive scenario targeting the largest emitters first results in 28% job losses and 33% output reduction for the same target. This demonstrates that it is possible to use firm-level production networks to design highly effective decarbonization strategies that practically preserve employment and economic output.


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2 崔锦华 郑永军

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