据美国麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology简称MIT)大卫·钱德勒(David Chandler)2023年1月10日报道,麻省理工学院(MIT)等的合作研究发现可以解锁更安全、更轻的锂电池(MIT Discovery Could Unlock a Safer and Lighter Lithium Battery)。
麻省理工学院和美国布朗大学(Brown University)研究人员取得了一项突破,可为开发革命性的可充电锂电池铺平道路。这种新设计有望比现有型号更轻、更紧凑、更安全。
麻省理工学院蒋业明教授(Professor Yet-Ming Chiang)、研究生科尔·芬奇(Cole D. Fincher)以及麻省理工学院和布朗大学的其他5人合作,2022年11月18日在《焦耳》(Joule)杂志网站发表的这项新研究似乎解决了树枝晶形成的原因问题,它还展示了如何防止树枝晶穿过电解质。详见Cole D. Fincher, Christos E. Athanasiou, Colin Gilgenbach, Michael Wang, Brian W. Sheldon, W. Craig Carter, Yet-Ming Chiang. Controlling dendrite propagation in solid-state batteries with engineered stress. Joule, Published: November 18, 2022. Volume 6, Issue 12, 21 December 2022, Pages 2794-2809. DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2022.10.011. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2022.10.011
蒋业明说,在该小组早期的工作中,他们做出了一个“令人惊讶和意外(surprising and unexpected)”的发现,即用于固态电池的硬质固体电解质材料可以在电池充电和放电过程中被锂这种非常软的金属穿透,因为锂离子在两侧之间移动。
另一种方法是用嵌入其中的原子“掺杂”材料,使其变形并使其处于永久受压状态。蒋业明解释说,这与生产智能手机和平板电脑屏幕中使用的超硬玻璃的方法相同。而且所需的压力并不极端:实验表明,150~200 MPa(150~200 megapascals)的压力足以阻止树枝晶穿过电解质。
事实上,一种称为堆栈的压力(stack pressure)的不同类型的压力通常会施加到电池单元上,基本上是在垂直于电池极板的方向上挤压材料——有点像通过在三明治上放置重物来压缩三明治。人们认为这可能有助于防止层分离。但现在的实验表明,那个方向的压力实际上会加剧树枝晶的形成。科尔·芬奇说:“我们表明,这种堆栈的压力实际上会加速树枝晶引起的故障。”
该研究由美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation: DMR-2124775; National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under grant no. 1746932 and later by a Department of Defense National Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship)、美国国防部国家科学与工程研究生奖学金(Department of Defense National Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship)、美国能源部(US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Science, through award no. DE-SC0002633)、美国国防高级研究计划局(DARPA MINT program through contract no. HR00112220032)的资助。
• Growing dendrites deflect in response to applied loading, averting short circuits
• Dendrites propagate due to plating-induced fracture of the electrolyte
• Stresses on the order of 150 MPa deflect and arrest dendrites in oxide electrolytes
• Engineered residual thermal stresses can deflect dendrites in conventional cells
Pairing Li metal with non-flammable solid electrolytes promises to enable safer, higher-capacity Li-ion batteries. However, at practical current densities, metal filaments (termed “dendrites”) form on the metal electrode during charging, eventually penetrating the electrolyte and shorting the cell. Whether this growth is due to mechanical failure or chemical degradation has remained a topic of debate. In this work, we provide direct observations that show not only that dendrites are driven by mechanical failure of the electrolyte but also that mechanical stresses can be used to control dendrite trajectory and avert cell failure. While most previous electrolyte engineering efforts focus on increasing the current density at which dendrites initiate, our findings suggest a new paradigm: that electrolytes can be engineered to inhibit dendrite propagation. Based upon this principle, we outline design approaches suitable for deflecting metal dendrites in solid-state batteries.
Metal-dendrite penetration is a mode of electrolyte failure that threatens the viability of metal-anode-based solid-state batteries. Whether dendrites are driven by mechanical failure or electrochemical degradation of solid electrolytes remains an open question. If internal mechanical forces drive failure, superimposing a compressive load that counters internal stress may mitigate dendrite penetration. Here, we investigate this hypothesis by dynamically applying mechanical loads to growing dendrites in Li6.6La3Zr1.6Ta0.4O12 solid electrolytes. Operando microscopy reveals marked deflection in the dendrite growth trajectory at the onset of compressive loading. For sufficient loading, this deflection averts cell failure. Using fracture mechanics, we quantify the impact of stack pressure and in-plane stresses on dendrite trajectory, chart the residual stresses required to prevent short-circuit failure, and propose design approaches to achieve such stresses. For the materials studied here, we show that dendrite propagation is dictated by electrolyte fracture, with electronic leakage playing a negligible role.
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