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已有 3524 次阅读 2023-1-7 19:18 |个人分类:药物动态|系统分类:海外观察



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Fig. 1 In a laboratory of the Institute of Pharmacy at the University of Jena, tree resin of frankincense is examined in petri dishes. Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)


Fig. 2 Prof. Dr Oliver Werz from the Institute of Pharmacy at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)


Fig. 3 Chemical structure of boswellic acid

据德国耶拿弗里德里希席勒大学Friedrich Schiller University Jena),也称其为耶拿大学(University of Jena)的尤特·舍恩费尔德(Ute Schönfelder202316日报道,只需轻按一下开关即可解决炎症(Simply resolving inflammation through the flick of a switch)。来自乳香树脂(frankincense resin)的天然物质如何帮助解决炎症和促进组织再生(How a natural substance from frankincense resin can help to resolve inflammation and promote tissue regeneration),耶拿大学的最新研究结果给出了答案。图1Fig. 1)是在耶拿大学药学院(Institute of Pharmacy at the University of Jena)的实验室中,在培养皿中检测乳香树脂。图2Fig. 2)是耶拿大学药学院教授奥利弗·维茨(Oliver Werz)博士。

慢性炎症过程是各种广泛传播疾病的最常见原因。它们在关节炎(arthritis)、哮喘(asthma)、帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease)和阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease)中发挥作用,但也在动脉硬化(arteriosclerosis)、糖尿病(diabetes)和癌症(cancer)中发挥作用。因此,抑制炎症的药物是全世界服用最频繁的药物之一。然而,它们的治疗效果往往很低,而且副作用很严重,包括肾功能障碍(kidney dysfunction)或胃溃疡(stomach ulcers)。 

出于这个原因,当前的研究正在努力开发替代治疗策略,耶拿大学的奥利弗·维茨教授说。药物化学教授及其团队使用的方法不是简单地阻断炎症,而是积极支持其消退。20221225日在《尖端科学》(Advanced Science)杂志网站发表的一项新研究中,研究人员提出了一种有前途的新治疗方法来解决该问题。 详见:Friedemann BörnerSimona PacePaul M. JordanJana GerstmeierMario GomezAntonietta RossiNathaniel C. GilbertMarcia E. NewcomerOliver Werz. Allosteric Activation of 15-Lipoxygenase-1 by Boswellic Acid Induces the Lipid Mediator Class Switch to Promote Resolution of Inflammation. Advanced Science, First published: 25 December 2022. DOI: 10.1002/advs.202205604. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202205604

为此,它们专门刺激称为消炎素(resolvins)的消炎信使物质(inflammation-resolving messenger substances)的产生。奥利弗·维茨说:我们已经从早期的工作中了解到,乳香树脂的成分物质适用于此目的。” 特别是,乳香中的乳香脂酸(boswellic acid Fhg. 3)能够重新编程中枢炎症酶即5-脂氧合酶(5-lipoxygenase),从而产生抗炎消炎素而不是促炎物质。 

乳香脂酸刺激抗炎信使物质的产生(Boswellic acid stimulates the production of anti-inflammatory messenger substances

我们在与炎症相关的免疫细胞中测试并证实了这种先前已知的现象,并且出现了完全令人惊讶的效果,” 奥利弗·维茨教授补充道。因此,乳香脂酸还通过另一种酶:15-脂氧合酶-1 15-lipoxygenase-1)充当细胞激活剂(cell activator,并触发大量消炎素(resolvins)的形成。由于与美国路易斯安那州立大学(Lousiana State University, USA)的研究人员合作进行了详细研究,该团队还能够阐明其潜在机制:乳香脂酸停靠在15-脂氧合酶-1上的一个非常特定的位点,从而直接激活细胞中消炎素的形成。通过这种方式,免疫细胞中的消炎素生成可以被一种活性物质特异性地启动,” 奥利弗·维茨解释说。

对小鼠的进一步实验已经证实了生物体中的这种机制。研究人员现在希望,与乳香脂酸类似,可以开发出额外的活性物质,通过靶向激活15-脂氧合酶-1来刺激免疫细胞中消炎素的产生。这可以开辟新的治疗选择,积极解决炎症并促进组织再生,而没有当前炎症阻滞剂(inflammation blockers)的副作用。

这项工作得到了德国研究基金会(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 1127/2 ChemBioSys 239748522 and SFB1278/1 Polytarget 316213987 project A04)、美国国立卫生研究院(NIH R15GM143724NIH HL107887 and AHA 16GRNT31000010; NIH P50AT002776 seed grant)以及美国路易斯安那州州长生物技术计划(Louisiana Governor's Biotechnology Initiative)的部分资助或支持。



Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPM), primarily produced in innate immune cells, exert crucial bioactions for resolving inflammation. Among various lipoxygenases (LOX), 15-LOX-1 is key for SPM biosynthesis, but cellular activation principles of 15-LOX-1 are unexplored. It was shown that 3-O-acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid (AKBA) shifts 5-LOX regiospecificity from 5- to 12-lipoxygenation products. Here, it is demonstrated that AKBA additionally activates cellular 15-LOX-1 via an allosteric site accomplishing robust SPM formation in innate immune cells, particularly in M2 macrophages. Compared to ionophore, AKBA-induced LOX activation is Ca2+- and phosphorylation-independent, with modest induction of 5-LOX products. AKBA docks into a groove between the catalytic and regulatory domains of 15-LOX-1 interacting with R98; replacement of R98 by alanine abolishes AKBA-induced 15-LOX product formation in HEK293 cells. In zymosan-induced murine peritonitis, AKBA strikingly elevates SPM levels and promotes inflammation resolution. Together, targeted allosteric modulation of LOX activities governs SPM formation and offers new concepts for inflammation resolution pharmacotherapy.


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