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综合疗法可将心脏病发作和中风的风险降低一半 精选

已有 4743 次阅读 2021-8-30 17:08 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:科普集锦




Credit: CC0 Public Domain

据加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University2021829日提供的消息,由汉密尔顿(Hamilton)研究人员领导的一项国际研究表明,阿司匹林(aspirin)、他汀类(statins)药物和至少两种固定剂量的降压药的联合治疗可以将致命心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease 简称CVD)的风险降低一半以上(Combo therapy cuts risk of heart attacks and strokes in half)。

在对来自三项大型临床试验的18000多名既往无心血管疾病患者的联合分析中,研究人员对固定剂量组合(fixed-dose combination简称FDC)治疗方法进行了检查,包括服用阿司匹林和不服用阿司匹林与对照组。服用阿司匹林后,心脏病发作风险降低53%,中风风险降低51%,心血管疾病死亡风险降低49%。相关研究结果于2021829日已经在《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)杂志网站发表——Philip Joseph, Gholamreza Roshandel,Peggy Gao, Prof Prem Pais, Prof Eva Lonn, Prof Denis Xavier, Prof Alvaro Avezum, Prof Jun Zhu, Prof Lisheng Liu,Prof Karen Sliwa, Prof Habib Gamra, Prof Shrikant I Bangdiwala, Prof Koon Teo, Rafael Diaz, Prof Antonio Dans, Prof Patricio Lopez-Jaramillo, Prof Dorairaj Prabhakaran, Jose Maria Castellano, Prof Valentin Fuster, Prof Anthony Rodgers, Mark D Huffman, Jackie Bosch, Prof Gilles R Dagenais, Prof Reza Malekzadeh, Prof Salim Yusuf. Fixed-dose combination therapies with and without aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: an individual participant data meta-analysis. The LancetAvailable online 29 August 2021. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01827-4. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01827-4


上述荟萃分析研究的第一作者、麦克马斯特大学医学副教授、汉密尔顿健康科学(Hamilton Health Sciences)人口健康研究所(Population Health Research Institute简称PHRI)研究员、心脏病专家菲利普·约瑟夫(Philip Joseph)说:“这种组合,无论是单独服用还是作为复方制剂联合服用,都大大减少了致命和非致命的心血管疾病。最有效的治疗方法包括降压药、他汀类药物和阿司匹林,可以减少约一半的致命和非致命心血管事件。在不同的血压水平、胆固醇水平以及是否患有糖尿病的情况下,益处是一致的,但更大的益处可能发生在老年人身上。”

PHRI执行主任,麦克马斯特大学杰出教授,上述研究成果的通讯作者和首席研究员萨利姆·优素福(Salim Yusuf),领导的这项研究涉及13个国家的研究人员,包括来自26个国家和世界上所有有人居住的大陆的参与者。这项研究除了在《柳叶刀》杂志上发表之外,同时由菲利普·约瑟夫在欧洲心脏病学会大会(European Society of Cardiology Congress)上进行交流。


联合用药(combination pill)的概念在20年前被首次提出,作为一种策略,可以大幅减少人群和那些已经有过心脏病发作或中风病史的人的心血管疾病。



研究人员将三项大型研究的数据结合起来,对1.8万人进行了约5年的跟踪调查。这些研究包括国际波里家研究(International Polycap Study简称TIPS)-3,心脏结果预防评估(Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation简称HOPE)-3研究和PolyIran试验(PolyIran trial)。其他国际专家和组织对这项研究结果表示赞赏。

世界心脏联合会(World Heart Federation简称WHF)主席Fausto Pinto教授说:“世界心脏联合会(WHF)致力于通过减少全球范围内的心血管疾病负担来促进每个人的心血管健康,无论是在发达国家还是发展中国家。使用固定剂量组合降低CVD50%的低成本方法的演示是非同寻常的,为全球解决这一疾病提供了巨大的机会,对人们的生活有重大的潜在影响。WHF在过去十年中一直支持复方制剂的使用,这些结果为加强我们的全球宣传战略提供了强有力的证据。”

威康信托基金会董事(Wellcome Trust Director)杰里米·法勒爵士(Sir Jeremy Farrar)说:“威康信托基金(Wellcome Trust)根据20018月在伦敦与世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)举行的一次讲习班提出的建议,支持分析中所包括的三项主要研究之一。威康信托基金一直致力于评估包括心血管疾病在内的常见疾病的低成本、广泛适用的解决方案。我们很高兴地看到,我们的支持为有力证据的发展做出了贡献,这些证据表明,包括降血压、他汀类药物和阿司匹林在内的复方制剂(polypill)或固定剂量组合(fixed dose combinations)可以显著降低心血管疾病(CVD)。”


Big study supports cheap combo pill to lower heart risks



In randomised controlled trials, fixed-dose combination treatments (or polypills) have been shown to reduce a composite of cardiovascular disease outcomes in primary prevention. However, whether or not aspirin should be included, effects on specific outcomes, and effects in key subgroups are unknown.


We did an individual participant data meta-analysis of large randomised controlled trials (each with ≥1000 participants and ≥2 years of follow-up) of a fixed-dose combination treatment strategy versus control in a primary cardiovascular disease prevention population. We included trials that evaluated a fixed-dose combination strategy of at least two blood pressure lowering agents plus a statin (with or without aspirin), compared with a control strategy (either placebo or usual care). The primary outcome was time to first occurrence of a composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or arterial revascularisation. Additional outcomes included individual cardiovascular outcomes and death from any cause. Outcomes were also evaluated in groups stratified by the inclusion of aspirin in the fixed-dose treatment strategy, and effect sizes were estimated in prespecified subgroups based on risk factors. Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to compare strategies.


Three large randomised trials were included in the analysis (TIPS-3, HOPE-3, and PolyIran), with a total of 18 162 participants. Mean age was 63·0 years (SD 7·1), and 9038 (49·8%) participants were female. Estimated 10-year cardiovascular disease risk for the population was 17·7% (8·7). During a median follow-up of 5 years, the primary outcome occurred in 276 (3·0%) participants in the fixed-dose combination strategy group compared with 445 (4·9%) in the control group (hazard ratio 0·62, 95% CI 0·53–0·73, p<0·0001). Reductions were also observed for the separate components of the primary outcome: myocardial infarction (0·52, 0·38–0·70), revascularisation (0·54, 0·36–0·80), stroke (0·59, 0·45–0·78), and cardiovascular death (0·65, 0·52–0·81). Significant reductions in the primary outcome and its components were observed in the analyses of fixed-dose combination strategies with and without aspirin, with greater reductions for strategies including aspirin. Treatment effects were similar at different lipid and blood pressure levels, and in the presence or absence of diabetes, smoking, or obesity. Gastrointestinal bleeding was uncommon but slightly more frequent in the fixed-dose combination strategy with aspirin group versus control (19 [0·4%]vs 11 [0·2%], p=0·15). The frequencies of haemorrhagic stroke (10 [0·2%] vs 15 [0·3%]), fatal bleeding (two [<0·1%] vs four [0·1%]), and peptic ulcer disease (32 [0·7%] vs 34 [0·8%]) were low and did not differ significantly between groups. Dizziness was more common with fixed-dose combination treatment (1060 [11·7%] vs 834 [9·2%], p<0·0001).


Fixed-dose combination treatment strategies substantially reduce cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, revascularisation, and cardiovascular death in primary cardiovascular disease prevention. These benefits are consistent irrespective of cardiometabolic risk factors.


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