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已有 4027 次阅读 2015-10-15 06:44 |个人分类:鼓与呼|系统分类:观点评述



2015年10月14日的《科技日报》发表了该报驻美国记者田学科的报道“创新是一种文化——中国旅美科技协会第23届年会侧记” http://digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_www.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2015-10/14/content_319722.htm?div=-1),其中介绍了美国工程院院长丹尼尔·莫特的一段话,讲得很好,照录如下:





风险投资专家Evangelos Simoudis今年6月1日写道(https://www.enterpriseirregulars.com/94053/seven-signs-corporate-innovation-culture/),公司文化是由领导者驱动的。拥有浓厚创新文化的公司都有7点共同的价值观念和行为方式。

    ·Hiring the best(雇佣最优秀的人才): Today, more than any other time in the past, there is a war for talent going on in every industry and among organizations of every size. Companies with a strong innovation culture are great at identifying the best talent; offering the right incentives to attract these individuals; and providing the right environment to keep their employees motivated, productive and well compensated.

· Trusting(相互信任): Corporate employees, from the CEO down, must accept the fact they need help in achieving their innovation goals (be it sustaining, disruptive or continuous), and all goals for that matter. Employees need to trust their colleagues regardless of rank and feel certain they will do what is appropriate for the company to achieve its goals rather than what is good for the individual.

· Embracing risk(接受风险): Several types of risk are inherent in venture-backed companies, such as technology risk and management risk. These companies raise capital in order to address such risks. Their investors understand this reality and help them in the process. IVCs further realize that despite their best efforts, a startup may not be able to overcome its risks and ultimately fail. Corporations may consider these risks unreasonable or imbalanced, but they must be prepared and willing to deal with them. Ultimately they must understand which type of risk they are willing to take. Embracing risk also implies looking at different areas and favoring outlier ideas in order to identify the disruptive opportunities.

· Accepting failures(接受失败): Failures are a natural consequence of embracing risk and pursuing innovation. As such, corporations must come to terms with the fact that in the same way that most startups fail, so too can their own innovation efforts. Innovation-related failures should be seen as opportunities to learn rather than as excuses to avoid trying something new or as times to criticize and assign blame. Consider the vast difference between concepts such as Minimum Viable Product that is embraced by startups, and Zero Defects used by large corporations in order to understand how much the typical corporate culture must change in order to be accepting to disruptive innovation. For this reason it is important that corporations seek to understand and establish the failure rate they are comfortable with.

· Moving fast, experimenting with new ideas, iterating(迅速行动,根据新创意开展试验,反复试验): Corporations must understand the importance of experimenting with new ideas and pushing their boundaries. They must also appreciate doing so with a sense of urgency. Startups thrive on experimentation, pioneering concepts and models, and moving fast. These characteristics impact their ability to disrupt. Learning how to set up an experiment is as important as the experiment itself. Sometimes the experiment is too ambitious and its results are not adequately beneficial.






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