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已有 4206 次阅读 2015-7-13 06:26 |个人分类:他山之石|系统分类:科普集锦


20150701美国CNBC的 (1).docx







1. 报道了英国剑桥,称剑桥大学的8个校友撼动了世界。

2. 报道了慕尼黑,说该市的目标是百分之百地采用清洁电力。



3. 报道了剑桥大学培养出的树莓派实验室创始人Eben Upton的成果。







4. 植物能源



Bionic eye helps blind to see 




6. 阿姆斯特丹的电动汽车(该市原来以运河、咖啡馆和自行车而闻名,今后会加上第四项吗?)



7. 东京是世界上最具创新力的城市吗?采访了东京市8个形塑了世界面貌的公司。




8. 东京的50层楼的大学



9. 隐形自行车头盔的发明地:瑞典的Malmö市。




10. 巴塞罗那的3D打印技术




11. 给谷歌街景配上声轨?声音的来源从世界各地征集。英国助听器公司开辟新的应用领域。

Coming up: a soundtrack to Google Street View? 




12. 英国的未来交通

Ground Control to Major Tom: UK’s space-age future 



13. 帮助穷国改善卫生状况的免冲洗清洁马桶,这是美国北卡大学教堂山分校的研究生设计的。



14. 巴西的技术创新对高等教育的影响,中学物理教师Marco Fisbhen开发的在线学习平台大受欢迎。

After World Cup, it's back to school for Brazil 





Check out the world's most spectacular stadiums  



15. 哪个城市最具创新力?

Which city is the most innovative? Have your say  



Cities around the world that have embraced technology to tackle their problems – have your say on where in the world is the most innovative.


16.  The World Cup city with charm and controversy 



As Manaus shows off its state-of-the-art developments, it has also become a focal point for the controversy surrounding the World Cup.


17. 技术改变了学校的面貌,从学习方式到学校的建筑外观。

Our schools are changing inside and out – how? 




18. 城市住房的未来?

Think big: Is this the future of urban housing? 




Is this the classroom of the future? 



20. 10座创新别致的摩天建筑

10 awesome, innovative skyscrapers  



21. 最适合年轻人的城市

The world's best cities for young people  



Youthful cities: Where would you live? 




Real-life Robocop? Machines rise to the challenge 



23. 技术创新如何改善医疗保健水平、降低成本

How taking meds could make you rich 



24. 可持续发展的新加坡

Sustainable Singapore: A model to be replicated? 



25. 亚洲最环保的城市如何运转的

What makes one of Asia's greenest cities tick  



26. 哥本哈根力争成为绿色生活的高技术城市

Next city aiming to become a high-tech boomtown 



27. 丹麦一家公司的眼控技术

Is eye-controlled technology the future?  



28.  Can gaming consoles change the way we chat online? 



Advances in technology mean that we'll soon be able to connect with friends and loved ones in vivid, 'almost real' video calls.


29. 中国可以向新加坡学习如何打造可持续发展的城市

What China can learn from Singapore sustainability Tuesday, 17 Dec 2013 | 2:30 AM ET



30. 作为可持续发展城市的新加坡的未来

Singapore's future as a sustainable city Tuesday 



31. 仿生学

How the business of bionics is changing lives 



32. 如何利用技术手段照料老人

Basque Country reaches out to the elderly 



33. 智能家居



34. 孩子们未来的教室将是什么样?

Is this what your kid's classroom will look like? 




35. 监控技术在防止和应对城市犯罪方面的作用

Can 'Big Brother' technology make cities safer? 




36. 健康警示APP

How to save a life with an app 



37. 英国设立经济学大奖,看谁能拿出新的花园城市设计方案。

Economics prize aims to ease UK housing crunch  



38. 伦敦和广州如何应对交通挑战?

Cities take some decongestant 



39. 新加坡:世界上第一个智能国家?

Singapore: the world’s first smart nation? 



40. 未来的城市能提供免费交通吗?

Could future cities have free public transport? 



41. 创建生态城市的6个步骤

6 steps to creating an eco-city 



42. 汉堡和韩国松岛如何解决可持续发展问题

Hamburg and Songdo: cities tackling sustainability 



43. 如何利用建筑信息建模(BIM)技术来建设我们的城市?

How technology is being used to build our cities 



44. 如何创造大自然与水泥建筑物共存的私密花园

Secret gardens for city spaces 



45. 新技术帮助警察预测可能的犯罪场所

Minority report: Predicting where to put your policeman 


46. 改变建筑物的软件

Meet the software that could change construction   




Using surveillance to make cities safer 



48. 城市如何改善通勤

How can cities improve commuting?     


49. 使家居更智能的APP

How are apps making our homes smarter?   



50. 城市监控的重要性

Consequences of greater security infrastructure   



51. 对健康APP的需求见涨

Growing demand for wellbeing apps 



52. How to future-proof cities  



53. 健康APP的兴起

The rise of health apps   



64. 城市的交通连通性

Transportation connectivity critical for cities   



65. 如何建设可持续发展的城市

The future of constructing cities  



66. 中国城市化路径的挑战

The challenges in China's urbanization path   



67, 可持续发展的小汽车代表未来吗?

Are sustainable cars the future?  



68. 可持续城市建设,汉堡领路

Hamburg leads the way in sustainable cities  




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