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已有 3461 次阅读 2023-3-16 08:28 |个人分类:科林散叶|系统分类:人物纪事





1.  按照实岁概念,莱兹多夫享年74岁。中国百姓在说到逝者寿命时,经常是按生卒年粗算,那莱兹多夫就是75岁了。

2.  讣告列出的莱兹多夫的研究领域是:communication sciences(这个词太难翻译,因为communication的含义太多了,权且译作“交往科学”吧,因为莱兹多夫是欣赏哈贝马斯的思想的,而哈贝马斯的Communicative Rationality是译为“交往理性”的)、科学计量学和复杂系统理论。科学计量学只排在第二位。这使我想起苏联科学家柳比歇夫(1890-1972),他也是跨越多学科的优秀学者,是昆虫学家、哲学家、数学家,还涉足一些文科领域的研究。他去世后,文科的一些同行要大张旗鼓地纪念这位优秀学者,他们根本不知道柳比歇夫主要是科学家。

3.  莱兹多夫的出生地Batavia是印尼首都雅加达的旧名。

4.  讣告提到,莱兹多夫是利用网络分析方法研究科学交流的开路者;还提到,他关于交流理论(也许此时又不得不译为通信理论)的研究推进了对不确定性的测度。

5.  除了普赖斯奖外,莱兹多夫还获得过美国情报科学技术学会(ASIST)颁发的“社会影响奖”。

6.  莱兹多夫的悼念仪式将于3月20日在阿姆斯特丹的de Nieuwe Ooster公墓举行。


It is with great sadness that the Leydesdorff family announces the passing of Professor Loet (Louis Andre) Leydesdorff on March 11, 2023 at the age of 74. A towering intellect, Loet made connections with hundreds of colleagues and students around the world. He was a distinguished scholar, teacher, and professor at the University of Amsterdam, renowned for his groundbreaking research in the fields of, scientometrics, and complex systems theory. His work can be found at www.Leydesdorff.net.


Born on 21 August 1948 in, Professor Leydesdorff obtained his PhD in sociology from the University of Amsterdam in 1983. He went on to become a professor at the University of Amsterdam, where he worked tirelessly for more than three decades. He was a prolific author and researcher, publishing at an amazing rate, contributing work that has had a significant impact on the fields of communication and scientometrics, including his book, “The Challenge of Scientometrics,” in 2000.


Professor Leydesdorff's work stands out for its novel  interdisciplinary approaches, using tools and methods from a variety of fields to gain insights into complex systems. He was a pioneer in the use of network analysis to study scientific communication, and his work on the "Triple Helix" model of innovation has had a seminal and lasting impact on the field of science and technology studies. His work in communications theory has advanced measures of uncertainty. Professor Leydesdorff was an admirer of the work of Niklas Luhman, Juergen Habermas, and Claude Shannon whose work he advanced in numerous ways.


Throughout his career, Professor Leydesdorff was recognized for his contributions to the field of communications sciences and scientometrics. He received numerous awards and honors, including the Derek de Solla Price Medal from the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, and the Social Impact Award from the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Professor Leydesdorff was an active member of many groups and often attended conferences to share his research and to challenge basic assumptions and methods.


In addition to his many accomplishments, Professor Leydesdorff remained deeply humble and approachable, always willing to share his knowledge and expertise with colleagues and students alike. He had hundreds of collaborators around the world. The depth of his generosity is reflected in hundreds of coauthored papers published on a wide range of subjects. He will be remembered not only for his groundbreaking research, but also for his kindness, openness, and unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.


Professor Loet Leydesdorff’s contributions were made possible through the loving support of his wife and collaborator, Margaret Traudes, daughters Eefje and Suzan, two sons-in-law, and four beloved grandchildren, as well as his sister, Selma, and many colleagues, friends, and students around the world. He will be deeply missed but long remembered by all who knew him.


A public memorial service will be held in his honor on Monday, March 20, 2023 the de Nieuwe Ooster cemetery in Amsterdam.






深切缅怀著名科学计量学家Loet Leydesdorff教授,https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1557-1380255.html



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