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Describe quantum mechanics in Dual 4 d complex space-time an

已有 3159 次阅读 2014-12-22 09:53 |个人分类:物理|系统分类:科研笔记

1. Introduction

De Broglie came up with his assumption that each object has its wave-like characteristics in 1923-1924 by making an analogy of the wave-particle duality of light, and it was later confirmed by experiments. To explain the wave-particle duality of a micro-object, Schrodinger supposed the motion of a micro-object is like the oscillation of Elastic Fluid Limited in a Shell”. Using the solution of pressure equation of Elastic Fluid, we can get the wave function of a kinetic electron. Then putting it into the pressure equation of Elastic Fluid, we will get the Schrodinger wave equation1. Schrodinger thought the wave-like nature is more basic than the particle-like nature for a micro-object, and particle is a wave packet composed of waves. The wave function squared is the weight of partition function of the electric charge e. Schrodingers assumption was gave up by physicists because of its difficulty in multi-dimensions space and the diffusion of wave packet.

De Broglie assumption: a micro-object corresponds to a wave (vibration)2. This model is a mass point model, too. The motion of a mass point corresponds to a matter wave (phase wave)3. It can be described that particle is riding on a wave and lead by wave to go forward. Later, De Broglie persisted in the Dual Solution Theory, namely, the nonlinear solution was in the center and formed the particle, while the plane wave solution was in the outer and guided the particle. However, its difficult to understand The motion of a mass point corresponds to a matter wave (phase wave) and is too complex to get the nonlinear solution in math. So the De Broglie assumption was not accepted widely.

Then the Copenhagen School gave the uncertainly principle that position and momentum cannot be determined at the same time4.A single particle has its volatility, wave-function is a probability-function and the wave function squared equals to the distribution probability. The Copenhagen School is the mainstream thought now, though it has suffered the arguments between the Determinism and Indeterminism, Locality and Non-locality, Realism and Anti-realism for many years until this century4.

To explain the determinism fact beyond the probability function, Bohm thought out the Hidden Variable Theory. He reformulated the Schrodinger wave equation and loaded it with new significance according with the classical Hamilton Jacobi theory while avoiding the Von Neumann Argument4. Bohm thought the micro-particle should be treated as a real particle with continuous movement. It can be affected by the classical potential U as well as the quantum potential Q which is related to the wave function and determined by the solution of Schrodinger Equation5. Quantum Potential is the main difference between classical theory and quantum theory. Though Bohm had received many agreements, he failed to challenge the predominant Copenhagen School in Quantum Mechanics because of the unclear of the quantum potential in physics.

Many-worlds interpretation: different measurements correspond to different world. We step into a different parallel world when we measure it once, twice and so on. The world we are in now is the result we have stepped into before. World has infinitely many sliders. However, we can only in one at a time. The real world can never collapse and the real collapse is the many worlds in our mind collapse into the real world we are in. In fact, the Many-worlds interpretation cannot eliminate the collapse, it just shift the place of collapse. So it is more like a category in philosophy.

Sakata Shyoichi (Japanese), yukawa hideki (Japanese) and Tohm (French) both think the main difficulty in Quantum Mechanics comes from the unreasonable mass point model5,6. String theory is a beautiful non-point theory which has satisfying results in the combination of general relativity and quantum mechanics. But it is really an unverifiable conjecture that string is the basic cell for the whole world. What we need is verifiable. Considering of the success in combination of unifying gravity and quantum mechanics, the Ring theory is another wonderful theory who can match the String theory. However, it is even more difficult to be understood because of its nets and conjunctions are really hard.

 The fowling rotating flied-matter-ball model may be able to solve the difficulties in Quantum Mechanics. For example, we can know the ontological foundations of the matter-wave by deducing the wave function7. Field-matter is the basic form of matter. The structure of field-matter-ball consists of the rotation radius, frequency, and matter density distribution. We argue the field-matter-ball model is a proper model for micro-object and can satisfy the wave-particle dualism at the same time. But it must be pointed that the matter-field-ball is not the same as the classical ball we see in our world, and it is a quantum ball which has its only intrinsic quantities.

Each model is based on its original assumption. Point, String, Ring and Field-Matter-Ball model are the same on this point. They are all based on itselfs foundational assumption and they are equal to some degree because there is no priority level among the models. When we judge a model is good or not, the key point is whether the model is handy to help us to well understand something or not. Concise is the basic requirement in Physics. The main defect in Physics now is not the short of methods in math, actually is the over excess of math.

Smolin (One of the founder of the Ring theory) had said inThe trouble with Physicslike this: there is an insurmountable difficulty in Point modeling, String theory and Ring theory. He expected a combination of the Quantum mechanics and general relativity by some new thought on the intrinsic quality of the space-time.8 Complex number is used in space-time is exactly a new breakthrough. On one hand, it is convenience we use a field-matter-ball model to describe the quantum phenomenon. On the other hand, we are talking a Dual 4-dimensional complex space not an 11-dimensions or 26-dimensions space or even higher dimensions space which are unimaginative.

The Dual 4-dimensional complex space description can cover all the quantum phenomenon now, and it can have a clear connection with Gravitational Field. The flowing work is to integrate the Quantum Mechanics, Space-time and Gravitation. We expect we can offer a new direction to make breakthrough in Physics.

《双四维时空量子力学描述与波函数的本论基础》一文已发美国  《Journal of Modern Physics (JMP)》杂志。
Website: http://www.scirp.org/journal/jmp


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