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神奇的“set” 精选

已有 7662 次阅读 2013-6-28 06:41 |个人分类:译海扁舟|系统分类:教学心得






Set a water kettle on the fire,这是北京人说的“坐”一壶水;

Set a ladder against the wall,把椅子“靠”在墙上;

Set a flower in a vase,把花“插”入花瓶‘

Set a receiver to the ear,把听筒“贴”近耳朵;

Set a place for a guest,安排客人“就坐”;

Set the table for dinner,“摆放”餐具;

Set sentries round the camp,在营地周围“布置”岗哨;

Set somebody on horseback,把人“扶”上马;

Set seeds,“下”种;

Set seedlings,“植”苗;

Set a match to a pile of dead leaves,把一堆残叶给“点”着;

Set one’s hand and seal to a document,在文件上“签名盖章”;

The years have set their mark on his face. 岁月在他脸上“留”下了痕迹。

Set down all the items,“记下”所有事项;

Set a diamond on a ring,在戒指上“镶嵌”宝石;

Set the top of a wall with broken glass,在墙头“砌入”碎玻璃;

The sky was set with myriads of stars. 天穹上繁星密“布”。

Set one’s face towards the sun,把脸“冲”着太阳;

The rapid current set them down the stream. 急流把他们“裹挟”而下。

The ferry set them across the river. 摆渡船把他们“送至”对岸。

Set one’s heart on the common good,一心“为”公;

Set one’s hope on becoming a flyer,“寄”希望于成为飞行员;

Set one’s affection on somebody,“喜欢”上了谁;

Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕“有”心人。

Set right the course,“拨”正航向;

This medicine will set you right. 这药能把你“治”好。

Set somebody’s heart at rest,“放”心;

Set the table in a roar,“逗”得同桌人开怀大笑。





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