芬兰学者Yrjő Mikkonen在international Journal of General Systems(国际广义系统杂志)2005年第5期发表文章,Ontology intermingling with ontocity and vice versa in M-C. Escher’s Reptiles(2004) (从埃歇尔2004年的画作《爬虫》看本体性与实体性的相互交织)。文章说:
埃歇尔的错觉画有很深的理论、概念和哲学层次的内容尚未被揭示出来。本文用外展研究方法(abductive research method)来揭示这一神秘。看来,我们所谓的系统性理解包括两个侧面:一是作为现实的实体性(Ontocity)概念,二是作为现实之概念表象的本体性概念。
M.C. Escher is a graphic artist whose visual-spatial illusions scientists, and especially mathematicians eagerly study. However, there is much more than that. It seems that Escher's optical illusions have strikingly deeper theoretical, conceptual and philosophical layers not yet revealed. It is worth while using the abductive research method utilizing the possibilities of systems approach to reveal some of their mysteries. Escher's lithograph Reptiles is not only a work belonging to the theme of the illusion of space as Bruno Ernst, a close friend of Escher, states. This paper aims at proving in what ways Reptiles actually illustrates the concepts of onticity as reality and ontology as conceptual representation of reality, and their conceptual intermingling in a complex and systemic way. Thus, it appears that onticity and ontology, which are our ways of conceptual cognition are two facets of our systemic understanding. This paper also touches some aspects of Fuenmayor's phenomenological ontology.
Keywords: Onticity; Ontology; Systemicity; Systems; Complexity; Conceptuality
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