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已有 6402 次阅读 2010-12-12 11:35 |个人分类:物理|系统分类:科普集锦

新收到一个书稿,For the Love of Physics, From the End of the Rainbow to the Edge of Time—A Journey Through the Wonders of Physics (Free Press, 2011),作者是MIT的老教授Walter Lewin(和他的作家朋友Warren Goldstein)。Lewin在MIT很受欢迎,淘课的同学也许更喜欢(他的讲课视频见http://www.verycd.com/topics/2843436/ )。这本书的标题并不新鲜,看了几节我就喜欢了——L老师不但讲课,也讲自己的物理学经历和爱好。即使不进他的课堂,看这本书也算听过他的课了。我一贯的主张是,好的科普读物要有科学的人情,还要有科学家的个性,讲课也一样。
…For me physics is a way of seeing – the spectacular and the mundane, the immense and the minute – as a beautiful, thrillingly interwoven whole.
That is the way I’ve always tried to make physics come alive for my students; I believed it’s much more important for them to remember the beauty of the discoveries than to focus on the complicated math – after all, most of them aren’t going to become physicists. I have done my utmost to help them see the world in a different way; to ask questions they’ve never thought to ask before; to allow them to see the haloes around the sun, and to focus on its exquisite beauty of physics, rather than on the minutia of the mathematics. That is also the intention of this book, to help open your eyes to the remarkable ways in which physics illuminates the workings of our world, and its astonishing elegance and beauty.
My appreciation of the crucial role of measurements in physics is one reason I am skeptical of theories that cannot be verified by means of measurements. Take string theory, or its souped-up cousin, superstring theory, the latest effort of theoreticians to come up with a “theory of everything”. Theoretical physicists, and there are some brilliant ones doing string theory, have yet to come up with a single experiment, a single prediction, that could test any of string theory’s propositions. Nothing in string theory can be experimentally verified – at least so far. This means that string theory has no predictive power, which is why some physicists, such as Sheldon Glashow at Harvard, question whether it’s really physics at all.  
态度问题,没有什么道理好讲的。弦论者们认为他们其实很有predictive power,甚至预言了引力——因为理论自然导出一种自旋为2质量为0的粒子,正好满足传说中的“引力子”;如果我们今天还没发现引力,那么从弦论就知道应该有那么一种力……


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