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从文科转向理科的牛人 精选

已有 15407 次阅读 2010-8-20 06:44 |个人分类:科林散叶|系统分类:人物纪事





Nature杂志2005437卷总7059期发表了1977年诺贝尔物理学奖得主、美国物理学家Philip W. Anderson的短文,Thinking Big(天马行空地思考),介绍了这样一位牛人Fritz London

Fritz London(弗里茨. 伦敦)原来学哲学,后转向物理学。他是19251927年期间量子理论的原创者之一。

他曾花了好几年时间,探讨如何将化学建立在量子理论基础之上。不料,鲍林(或译为泡令,Linus Pauling)提出的启发式进路横空出世,将伦敦的这一套压了下去。

20世纪30年代末期,他还与弟弟Heinz London一起建立了第一个关于超导的启发式理论。



博主:他1900年生于德国的Breslau(这个城市诞生过很多著名科学家,见我的博文 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=227060),父亲是大学数学教师。他先后就读于波恩、法兰克福和慕尼黑的几所大学,21岁获得哲学专业的博士学位,博士论文是关于符号逻辑的研究。毕业后,在中学教了四年书,继续研究哲学问题。25岁左右,才决定转向理论物理学。(http://www.bookrags.com/biography/fritz-london-woc/

        Kōstas Gavroglou 1995年发表了伦敦的传记Fritz London: a scientific biography(剑桥大学出版社),详细记叙了这位牛人的科学人生。有中译本:

  • 《弗里茨·伦敦—科学传记》
  • 作者:科斯塔斯·罗格鲁 著;刘兵,柯志阳,李正伟 译 出版社:
  • 江西教育出版社
    ISBN:9787539238555 / 7539238550
  •     清华大学刘兵教授在《自然辩证法通讯》2004年第一期发表了“低温领域中的理论家--弗里茨·伦敦的生平与科学工作”一文。



    (b. March 7, 1900, Breslau, Ger. [now Wroclaw, Pol.]--d. March 30,1954, Durham, N.C., U.S.), German-American physicist who, with Walter Heitler, devised (1927) the first quantum mechanical treatment of the hydrogen molecule.

    London was educated at the universities of Bonn, Frankfurt, Göttingen, Munich (Ph.D., 1921), and Paris. He was a Rockefeller research fellow at Zürich and Rome and a lecturer at the University of Berlin. From 1933 to 1936 he was a research fellow at the University of Oxford and then went to the University of Paris as master and director of research.

    In 1939 he immigrated to the United States to become professor of theoretical chemistry at Duke University, Durham, N.C., and from 1953 he was James B. Duke professor of chemical physics there. He became a U.S. citizen in 1945. His publications include two volumes on Superfluids (1950, 1954).

    London's theory of the chemical binding of homopolar molecules marked the beginning of modern quantum mechanical treatment of the hydrogen molecule and is considered one of the most important advances in modern chemistry. With his brother, Heinz London, he developed (1935) the phenomenological theory of superconductivity, providing a new foundation for the understanding of molecular forces and clarifying the connection between pure quantum phenomena and many of the most striking facts of chemistry.






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