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未来的科技论文写作模式(The future of the scientific paper) 精选

已有 7104 次阅读 2008-7-1 11:50 |个人分类:他山之石|系统分类:科研笔记


现在的科技论文写作模式是由英国皇家学会和法国国家科学院确定的,已经存在了几百年。几百年前,科学家们是靠私人间的通信来交流科学研究和发现的。随着网络的出现,随着科研本身的变化,未来的科技论文写作模式很可能会改变——这是一名叫Bora Zivlokic的科学家做出的预言。

未的科技论文写作会是什么样子呢?Zivlokic在文章The future of the scientific paper(全文链接在文末)中写道:

The standard format of the scientific paper will become just one of many (and probably not the
dominant or most frequent) form of scientific communication. Different people have different talents and
inclinations. One is analytic, another synthetic. One is creative, another a hard worker. One has great
hands with the equipment or animals, while another is good with computers and statistics. One has a lot
of space and money and a network of collaborators at a prestigious institution, another is stuck in a small
office somewhere in the developing world with no research funds at all. And each can make a valid and
useful contribution to science. How?

One will have a great idea and publish it online. The other will turn the idea into an experimental
protocol that tests the idea and will publish it somewhere online. The next will make a video of the
experimental method. The next person will go to the lab and actually follow the protocol and post raw
data online. The next person will take the data an analyze it and post the results somewhere else online.
The next person will graph and visualize the data for easier understanding. The next person will write an
essay that interprets the findings and puts them into the broader context (e.g., what does it mean?). The
next one will write a summary that combines several of those findings (a review). The next will place
that entire research program into the historical or philosophical context. The next will translate it into
normal language that lay-people can understand.



So, how do we prepare for this future? Slowly but smartly. Science has some very conservative
elements (in a non-political sense of the term) that will resist change. They will denigrate online
contributions unless they are peer-reviewed in a traditional sense and published in a reputable journal in
the traditional format of a scientific paper. Some will retire and die out. Others can be reformed. But
such reforming takes patience and careful hand-holding.


The future of the scientific paper的全文链接:http://jcom.sissa.it/archive/07/02/Jcom0702%282008%29C02/view


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