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已有 4729 次阅读 2009-5-22 16:33 |个人分类:评论|系统分类:观点评述

    学术不端(Acamedic Dishonourablity)是指严重违反学术道德规范的行为。与此对应的是“Academic Integrity”,则是一个学术共同体(Academic Community)的基石对于前者,美国Massachusetts Institute of Technology称之为“Academia Disconduct and Dishonesty”【1】英国University of St Andrews则统称为“Academic Fraud”。而英国The University of British Columbia“Academic Plagiarism”和“Academic offence”概括之,详见University of Pennsylvania的一个网址的介绍【2】




(1)Complete Plagiarism,完全剽窃【2】

This is the most obvious case: a student submits, as his or her own work, an essay that has been written by someone else. Usually the original source is a published journal article or book chapter. The use of unpublished work, including the work of another student, is just as serious.

In such cases, plagiarism cannot be "avoided" by paraphrasing the original or acknowledging its use in footnotes. The work is the property of another author and should not be used. See Example #1

(2)Near-complete Plagiarism,近乎完全剽窃【2】

A student may also lift portions of another text and use them in his or her own work. For example, a student might add her or his own conclusions or introduction to an essay. Or a student might scatter his or her own comments through a text taken substantially from another source.

These practices are unacceptable. Even with some attribution, the bulk of the work has been done by another. See Example #1

(3)Patchwork Plagiarism,拼凑剽窃【2】

In many cases, a student will lift ideas, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs from a variety of sources and "stitch" them together into an essay. These situations often seem difficult to assess. Most essays, after all, are attempts to bring together a range of sources and arguments. But the line between plagiarism and original work is not difficult to draw. See Example #2

(4)Lazy Plagiarism,懒惰剽窃【2】

Lazy plagiarism crops up in many student essays, and is usually the result of sloppy note-taking or research shortcuts. Examples include:

  • inadvertent use of another’s language, usually when the student fails to distinguish between direct quotes and general observations when taking notes. In such cases, the presence of a footnote does not excuse the use of another’s language without quotation marks.
  • use of footnotes or material quoted in other sources as if they were the results of your research.
  • sloppy or inadequate footnoting which leaves out sources or page references.

Although it may not be the student’s intention to deceive, it is often difficult for instructors to distinguish between purposeful and accidental plagiarism. See Example #3


The use of an essay written for one course to satisfy the requirements of another course is plagiarism. Students should not use, adapt, or update an essay written for another purpose.

This is not intended to discourage students from pursuing specific interests. If you want to use a previously completed essay as a starting point for new research, you should receive the instructor’s approval and provide her or him with a copy of the original essay. If you want to use substantially similar essays to satisfy the requirements of two related courses, you should get approval from all the instructors concerned.

     对于如何防范这类学术不端行为,The University of British ColumbiaThe Faculty of Arts还从Research,Writing,Footnoting,Editing四个方面提出了具体的措施【2】Massachusetts Institute of Technology则对如何处理这类不端行为做出了具体规定【1】。在此不再一一赘述。



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