随后,随着伯格森著作的发表,两个学术阵营在全球范围内进行了激烈辩论。大部分科学家以及包括伯格森阵营的人,都认为伯格森没有完全搞懂相对论。但站在爱因斯坦这边的不光是科学家,还包括众多哲学家(注一)。爱因斯坦在哲学阵营的同盟军的典型代表是 logical positivism 主将 Rudolf Carnap 。此人我在以前介绍过的,他用逻辑分析的方法将笛卡尔、黑格尔的哲学名言废掉武功,打成毫无意义的 nonsense。在这些数学化的哲学家看来,传统的形而上学对科学已经构成了威胁,将成为科学的阻碍,而爱因斯坦引发了一场物理与哲学的关系的革命。Hans Reichenbach (logical positivism的另一名大将)写道:【哲学家没有通向真理的单独入口,哲学家的道路被科学家指引】(“There is no separate entrance to truth for philosophers: the path of the philosopher is indicated by that of the scientist.”)新一代哲学家的任务是试图把哲学科学化(注二)。经过长期的论战之后,科学针对传统哲学取得了压倒性的胜利,伯格森也逐渐被人遗忘。美国当代最著名的哲学家兼数学家 Hilary Putnam 在多年后写道:【我认为不再存在任何关于时间的哲学问题】 (“I do not believe that there are any longer any philosophical problems about Time” )。换言之,这个问题已经完全纳入科学研究的范围,基于直觉的哲学猜想无法再提供有价值的观点。
爱因斯坦-伯格森这场科学与哲学的思想交锋是板块迁移性的。从此之后,科学牢牢占据了人类知识的权威地位,哲学则退居次要的角色。JIMENA CANALES写道:【这次辩论标记着学者们无法跟上科学革命的步伐的时刻。更重要的是,它开始了一个面对影响力不断上升的科学,哲学越来越无关紧要的时代】(It marked a moment when intellectuals were no longer able to keep up with revolutions in science 。。。 Most important, then began the period when the relevance of philosophy declined in the face of the rising influence of science.)
注二: [Instead of thinking that science should be understood philosophically, philosophy should be understood scientifically. Philosophy should become closer to science and leave behind its nineteenth-century antecedents, its connection to Bergson’s system, and its recourse to “systems that talk picture language and appeal to esthetic desires.” It should renounce an aesthetic appeal to become instead a truly “scientific philosophy.” Please keep it dry, gentlemen—one could almost hear him tell his students.]