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已有 11073 次阅读 2013-12-3 09:38 |个人分类:观点评述|系统分类:观点评述



事实之一:没人治愈你的伤痛No One Is Going to Fix You


事实之二:人生从不完美Life Will Never Be Perfect


事实之三:你会面对大量失败(You Might Fail a Lot


事实之四:过去已尘埃落定(The Past Is Already Written


事实之五:明天很不确定(Tomorrow Is Not Guaranteed


事实之六:忙并不一定成功(Just Because You’re “Busy” Doesn’t MeanYou’re Accomplishing Something)。



6 Harsh Truths That Will Improve Your Life

Truth hurts, but someone has to say it. Your life iswhat you make of it and the only person who can help you is yourself. If you’reready to take personal responsibility and improve your life, I invite you toapply these seven harsh truths today.

No One Is Going to Fix You

If you are waiting for a knight in shining armor togallop into your life and heal your broken heart, you will be waiting forever.The only person who can help you is yourself. Be happy for the other people inyour life, but do not become dependent on them for happiness unlike you like tobe on a never-ending emotional roller coaster that is far beyond the realm ofyour control. Are you alone? No, far from it. But no one is going to fix you, so it is in your best interest to take personal responsibility for your own life. When you do that, you’ll discover you are morepowerful than you ever thought possible.

Life Will Never Be Perfect

If you are waiting for the “right” time to dosomething — pursue self-employment, begin a fitness plan, dive into the datingpool, or move to a new town — you’re going to be waiting forever. There is no such thing as a “right” time to do anything. This reaction is based on your fear-of-change, plain andsimple. If you keep waiting for that mysterious“perfect time to act” (please tell me, when have you ever experienced such athing?), this means you will never actually have to take action and confrontyour fear. Do the scary thing. You will be soglad you did.

You Might Fail (a Lot)

If you attempt to achieve an ambitious new goal, thenit is possible that you will fall on your face while pursuing said goal.Welcome to reality. It’s time to change your thinking about failure. It is nota big, bad thing that you should be frightened of. Failure is a learning opportunity and nothing more. If successful people quit pursuing their goal afterfailing the first time they tried something new, then there would beapproximately zero successful people ever. There is no such thing as a“hole-in-one” in life. Do you want to know how many times I’ve failed? Over ahundred. The only reason I’ve managed to accomplish anything is because I am afirm believer in continuous improvement. If you fail in something, distancefrom the event for a day or two, because agonizing over the problem will notmake it go away (and will make it a lot worse). Read a good book, catch up withsome friends you haven’t seen in a long time, or go on a nature hike. You willbe able to look at the issue with a fresh perspective. After you have donethat, ask yourself: “Why didn’t this work out and how can I do better nexttime?”

The Past Is Already Written

Have you ever made a mistake so monumental that youwish you could go back in time and do it all over again? Join the club. It’scalled being human. I know you might feel immense regret, but beating yourselfup over something that is already done serves no purpose. Shift your attention to the present, where you can take control of your life and move forward into a better future.

Tomorrow Is Not Guaranteed 

Steve Jobs said it best, so I’m going to defer to himfor this harsh truth:

Remembering thatI’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almosteverything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment orfailure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.”

The next time you catch yourself playing the “I willdo it tomorrow” game, remember that tomorrow is not guaranteed. Traffic accidents, heart attacks, and acts of violence do happen. Live in the present and take action today.

Just Because You’re “Busy” Doesn’t Mean You’re Accomplishing Something

If you like to brag about how great you are atmultitasking, stop it, because you are only kidding yourself. Changing taskswithout rhyme or reason is wasting your productivity, stressing you out, andpossibly causing you to make mistakes. It will probably take you longer tocomplete two tasks that you are switching back-and-forth between than it wouldto complete each one separately. If you want to save time, instead of multitasking, try grouping similar tasks together. Have a bunch of e-mails you need to send? Do them all at once. Have an article or essay you need to write?Get it done before moving onto anything else. Different tasks require different mind-sets, so focus on one thing at a time.


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