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2018 Ray Wu Prize Announcement

已有 5152 次阅读 2018-1-8 10:29 |系统分类:博客资讯| RAY, PRIZE, 2018


The Ray Wu Prize for Excellence in Life Sciences is established to inspire Asia’s most promising young Ph.D. students to become future leaders in life sciences.  Professor Ray Wu (1928-2008) was a world-renowned biologist who, in the 1970s, developed the first method for DNA sequencing and pioneered the recombinant DNA technology. In the later part of his career, hedevoted to genetic engineering of rice. Professor Wu was a life-long advocate for developing life science research in Asia.  In 1982,Professor Wu initiated the first large-scale exchange program in biology which brought over 400 students from China to obtain Ph.D. degrees in the US.  The program opened the door for thousands of more Chinese students to study abroad and marked the beginning of Sino-US exchanges in lifescience research. This prize is dedicated in honor of Professor Ray Wu’sseminal contributions in training China’s new generation of biologists. More than 90 prizes have been awarde so far.


The Ray Wu Prize is awarded each year to graduate students for excellence in lifescience research. The process for selection of recipients is outlined in the following sections.

The Prize: The prize consists of USD$3000, a medal, a certificate, and a citation by the Ray Wu Memorial Fund(RWMF). Financial assistance for travel is available to the recipients forcareer advancement purposes. RWMF will serve as a liaison for the awardees whowish to seek consultation from established investigators as they develop theirscientific careers.

Approximately ten awards may be made each year. Candidates from all geographical areas are encouraged to apply and special considerations will be given to semifinalists from each under represented major geographical area.

Criteria: The Ray Wu Prize recognizes excellence in life science research by a graduate student for innovation,independent thinking, and dedication.

Qualifications: A candidate must be agraduate student who is pursuing a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in aninstitution located in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Singapore. Thecandidate must have advanced to candidacy in the PhD program by the deadline of application.

Nomination: A candidate may be nominated by a faculty member of the institution from which the candidate plans to receive the PhD. The faculty member shall be a PhD mentor and is actively conducting life science research.

Materialsto be submitted:A candidate who wishes to be considered for this year's Ray Wu Prize must submit the following materials by the deadline for application:

1. Acompleted application form. (Please download the application form http://www.raywumemorialfund.org/application_process.phpavailable  below. Fill out in English or Chinese)

Download Application Form

The completed application form must be signed by the Dean of the School in which the candidate is currently enrolled to certify all materials as true and authentic.

2. A two page essay (English or Chinese) by the candidate in which the motivation of pursuing a PhD degree, personal interest in the current field of own research,and outlook for future career development should be addressed.

3. Aprogress report of the candidate's current PhD research project (limited to 3pages, not counting references).

4. Acurrent transcript of courses taken in the PhD program.

5. Alist of publications

6.Copies of two representative published materials.

7.Awards or honors received.

The candidate must collate items 1-7 in a single PDF file (limited to 10MB) in the right order. The name of the PDF filemust be Familyname_Givenname_RWP2018.pdf (e.g. Chen_Xiaohua_RWP2018.pdf).

Submitthe PDF file by clicking the button below:

Online Submission

Inaddition, the candidate must request a letter of recommendation from the nominating faculty member (letter1), and two additional letters of recommendation from other faculty members who know the candidate well professionally (letter2 and letter3). The letter must be in an envelope sealedby each faculty member with candidate’s name on the back of the envelope, sent to:

Dr.Yan Wu

National Institute of Biological Sciences

7 Science Park Rd., ZGC Life Science Park,Beijing, China 102206
Tel: 010-80726688-8826

or sent directly by the faculty members via email to:


The name of the letters must be Familyname_Givenname_RWP2018_letter1 (2 or 3).pdf(e.g. Chen_Xiaohua_RWP2018_letter1.pdf).

Important Dates:

March31, 2018, deadline for applications to be received.

April30, 2018, notification of receipt of completed applications (by email or othermeans).

July15, 2018, completion of review.

October19, 2018, award ceremony

Website of Ray Wu Memorial Fund:http://www.raywumemorialfund.org/

The Ray Wu Prize committee


Xiaodong Wang(王晓东)Director, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing


Jun-LinGuan (管俊林)

Professor and Chairman, University of Cincinnati


Professor and Executive Director, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore

NancyY. Ip (叶玉如)

Head& Chair Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

MingLi (李明)

Member,Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterNew York

MingLuo (罗明)

Professor,Georgia State University


ProfessorUniversityof California, San Diego

Xiao-HongSun (孙晓红)

Lewand Myra Ward Chair and Member, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

Chao-WenWang (王昭雯)

Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Taiwan

Xian-JieYang (杨先洁)

Professor,University of California, Los Angeles

JinZhang (张瑾)

Professor,University of California, San Diego

PanZheng (郑盼)

McKnewChair for Cancer Biology and Senior Investigator, Children's National Medical Center

WeiminZhong (钟伟民)

Associate professor, Yale University

YuanZhuang (庄原)

Professor,Duke University

YiminZou (邹益民)

ProfessorUniversity of California, San Diego


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