今天在我的清华教工邮箱发现两封email ,发信人是jiangchunxuan先生,我不知道/她是怎么得到我的邮箱地址的。
MIT Gravity Prof.Lewin 说本文可获诺贝尔奖
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Walter H.G. Lewin" <lewin@space.mit.edu>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 22:22:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Fwd:
To: 123jiangchunxuan@gmail.com, lewin@mit.edu
Cc: luc@vanocken.be
Publish this in a refereed journal and once it is accepted buy yourself a
first class ticket to Stockholm to pick up your Nobel Prize for Physics.
此外还有两个附件,一个是“Deduce the New Gravitational Formula”,作者即 jiangchunxuan。另一个是: “Newton's law of universal gravitation”,是MIT Professor Walter Lewin explains Newton's law of gravitation during the 1999 MIT Physics course 8.01 的讲稿。
看来,jiangchunxuan 不知道怎么得到了 Professor Walter Lewin 的邮箱地址,寄去了自己的论文,并得到了教授妙趣横生的答复。大喜过望之下,群发了这封邮件(145人)。
jiangchunxuan又给Professor Walter Lewin寄去了另一篇论文,以及我不知道的信件内容,收到回复之后再次群发,内容是:
From: "Walter H.G. Lewin" <lewin@space.mit.edu>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 07:40:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Fwd:
To: 123jiangchunxuan@gmail.com, lewin@mit.edu
Cc: luc@vanocken.be
Dear Jiang,
Thanks for your email.
I suggest you submit your theory to a refereed journal. If it is
accepted, then buy yourself a plane ticket to Stockholm to pick up a
Nobel Prize.
I never get involved in Nobel Prize situations (I receive about 150
each year) as that would be dishonest on my part. These are your
ideas, not mine.
Lewin 确实是一位和蔼可亲的教授!
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_498fdb110102vz04.html 。
如果蒋春暄的工作能够得到科学家群体的认可,他将能得到 n个菲尔茨奖 + m个诺贝尔物理学奖。
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