由于有承担了学校的教改项目,所以结合本科生教学和本课题组的研究类容写了一篇化学教育类文章。J. Chem. Educ.是美国化学会杂志,是投化学教育类文章不错的选择。
要想投J. Chem. Educ.需要考虑以下几点:
(1)文章的创新性:和所有的科学杂志一样,J. Chem. Educ.也很强调创新性。当然,也有它独特的要求,那就是严格要求和已发表在J. Chem. Educ.类似文章进行比较,突出创新性。同时,多引用J. Chem. Educ.文章,也可以提高其影响力。
(5)审稿时间较长,一般都会超过半年。拿这篇文章来说,前后花了一年。首次投稿时间是2014年12月,一个多月后主编直接拒搞,但是提出了很多语法和格式方面的问题。按照主编的意见修改后,2015年1月再次投稿,一个多月后主编再次直接拒搞,又提出了很多格式方面的问题。按照主编的意见修改后,2015年3月再次投稿,终于过了主编的关,文章被外审。四个多月后,外审意见回来,两小修一拒搞,主编第三次直接拒搞,但是建议修改后重投。修改后,2015年7月第四次投稿,五个多月后,意见回来,小修,主要是主编、文字编辑、图片编辑的意见和建议。修稿后,2015年11月第五次投稿,两周多后接收。总共时间差不多刚好一年。我们前一篇J. Chem. Educ.文章也差不多花了同样长的时间。
A laboratory experiment visually exploring two opposite basic principles of fluorescence of aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ) and aggregation-induced emission (AIE) is demonstrated. The students would prepared two salicylaldehyde-based Schiff bases through a simple one-potcondensation reaction of one equiv. of 1,2-diamine with two equiv. of salicylaldehyde. The resulted fluorescent dyes have similar chemical structures but possess ACQ and AIE properties respectively. Their ACQ/AIE properties and pH sensing applications would then examined by visually qualitative analysis (UV lamp, light-emitting diode, and naked eye) and quantitative analysis (fluorometer). Finally, in a deeper level, x-ray single crystal structure analysis was utilizedto reveal the inherent relationships between molecularstructures/molecular arrangements and ACQ/AIE properties. This lesson is suitable for many areas of chemistry, especially for organic and analytical chemistry.
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