This manuscript is an outcome of an unexpected collaborative work between two independent research groups from India (NSP, PS and VG) and China (DTL, SZD and LC). 69 years after Kingdon-Ward’s collection, the Indian group collected specimens in 2018 and the Chinese group in 2019. Coincidentally, both manuscripts were submitted for publication in the special issue of Rheedea on Gesneriaceae. Both the groups had described their respective new species using specific epithet that reflected the respective type localities (Saramati hills in India and Tengchong in China). Incidentally, the reviewers and the editor discovered the similarities in the two species and suggested for further study by the authors which has resulted in this collaborative work, and a collaborative description of D. sinoindicus. This study therefore illustrates the need for more collaborative floristic studies between India and China which will give us a better insight in our shared biodiversity, allow us to implement better conservation practices, and reduce taxonomic confusions.
这就是2020年发表在Rheedea(印度一分类学刊物)的中印长蒴苣苔 Didymocarpus sinoindicus N.S.Prasanna, Lei Cai & V.Gowda
图. 1. 在印度分布的中印长蒴苣苔Didymocarpus sinoindicus N.S.Prasanna, Lei Cai & V.Gowda :a.生境;b.植株; c.带花序的植株和花序; d.花序; e.也背面的腺体; f.带果实的聚伞花序; g.幼果(Preeti Saryan摄影).
图. 2.在中国分布的中印长蒴苣苔 Didymocarpus sinoindicusN.S.Prasanna, Lei Cai & V.Gowda :a.生境; b.植株; c.带花朵及宿果的植株; d.花序和叶表面; e.花冠裂片; f.花冠正视图; g.花冠侧视图示花萼和苞片; h.带花萼和花盘的雌蕊; i.剖开的花冠示内部结构; j. 雄蕊和退化雄蕊(蔡磊和刘德团摄影).
图.3.中印长蒴苣苔Didymocarpus sinoindicus N.S.Prasanna, Lei Cai & V.Gowda: a.花朵; b.在三个下花冠裂片交界处的斑点;c.下花冠裂片; d.上花冠裂片; e.雄蕊群; f.柱头; g.花萼; h.子房; i.花盘; j.花梗(Preeti Saryan摄影;Vinita Gowda绘图).
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