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已有 4616 次阅读 2013-4-18 17:06 |个人分类:羊嘴胡诌|系统分类:观点评述| 女人, 男人






The brain scans which reveal why men REALLY don't understand women

Male test subjects better at guessing 'mood' of men in pictures

  • Linked to activity in amygdala - a portion of brain involved in emotion



It is something many women will already know – and many a man will have discovered the hard way.

Men find it difficult to read women’s emotions.

Scientists asked male volunteers to look at pictures of people’s eyes and guess how they were feeling.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, they found it twice as hard to guess a woman’s mood as a man’s.

But it’s not simply for lack of  trying, the study shows.

The men were given brain scans while they looked at the pictures. The data suggested an unusual reason for the difficulty in reading women’s feelings.

When looking at male eyes, men related what they saw to  themselves. The parts of their brains linked to past thoughts and feelings lit up.

They understood what other men felt by remembering similar moments in their own lives – and using them to evaluate the image, the researchers said.

But when they looked at female eyes, they found themselves mystified.

Their brains searched for memories of when they had seen another woman who looked similar to the image.

This less personal process meant men found it harder to empathise with women’s feelings.

The amygdala is a part of the brain believed to be important for  empathy with others.

The scientists found it showed more activity when men looked at a man, rather than a woman.

And there may be very good  reasons why men are better at understanding their own kind.

The researchers, from the LWL University Hospital in Bochum, western Germany, said the male inability to decipher a   woman’s thoughts from her expression actually made more sense in the past.

In those long ago days, being able to tell quickly what another man was thinking – and whether he posed a threat – was much more important. In fact, it could have been a key to survival.

The scientists said: ‘As men were more involved in hunting and  territory fights, it would have been important for them to be able to predict and foresee the intentions and actions of their male rivals.’

Backing up the theory, recent research has shown men are better than women at picking up signs of anger. For both men and women, facial expressions are important to  working out what others  are feeling.

The researchers said the eyes are one of the ‘richest sources of social information for the attribution of mental states to others’.

In the study, published in journal PLoS ONE, they showed 22 healthy young men pictures of 36 pairs of eyes – 18 of each gender.

They were asked to choose which of two ‘emotion words’ most  accurately described the feeling shown by the eyes.

For example, they had to choose between ‘distrustful’ or ‘terrified’.

The question of how different men and women really are is still hotly debated.

Studies have shown hundreds of genes are switched on and off  differently in male and female brains, particularly in areas related to thought and language.

Others argue gender differences really owe more to a person’s  biology than their upbringing.

They also found that when looking at a pair of male eyes, the amygdala - a portion of the brain that has been found to be involved in emotion - was more active than when looking at the women's eyes


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