CNS(Cell, Nature, Science)均具很高的学术影响和声誉,在国内学界通常被视为齐名。本文汇集一下这三份期刊的重要计量指标,重点扒一扒其被引用情况。
自2005年以来Cell所发表的论文有约20%(663篇)位列分子生物学和遗传学论文单篇被引的前1% ,最高引次为8,075(Hallmarks of cancer: thenext generation);Nature和Science中则分别有约45%(3634篇)和42%(3242篇)位列相应学科论文单篇被引的前1%,最高引次分别为7,942(Two-dimensional gas of massless diracfermions in graphene)和4,534(Measurement of the elastic propertiesand intrinsic strength of monolayer graphene)。
表1 2005-2014年CNS的载文量和影响因子一览表
年份 | 影响因子 | 载文量 | 影响因子 | 载文量 | 影响因子 | 载文量 |
| Cell | Cell | Nature | Nature | Science | Science |
2005 | 29.431 | 319 | 29.273 | 1065 | 30.927 | 827 |
2006 | 29.194 | 352 | 26.681 | 962 | 30.028 | 885 |
2007 | 29.887 | 366 | 28.751 | 841 | 26.372 | 886 |
2008 | 31.253 | 348 | 31.434 | 899 | 28.103 | 862 |
2009 | 31.152 | 359 | 34.480 | 866 | 29.747 | 897 |
2010 | 32.401 | 319 | 36.101 | 862 | 31.364 | 862 |
2011 | 32.403 | 338 | 36.280 | 841 | 31.201 | 871 |
2012 | 31.957 | 415 | 38.597 | 869 | 31.027 | 832 |
2013 | 33.116 | 432 | 42.351 | 857 | 31.477 | 841 |
2014 | 32.242 | 436 | 41.456 | 862 | 33.611 | 828 |
表2 2013-2014年CNS发表各类文章及被引情况
| Cell | Nature | Science |
总文章数 | 1204 | 5166 | 5210 |
被引频次总计 | 42013 | 108129 | 95380 |
平均引用 | 34.89 | 20.94 | 18.31 |
Articles + Reviews | 868 | 1963 | 1905 |
被引频次总计 | 41363 | 99875 | 85934 |
平均引用 | 47.65 | 50.88 | 45.11 |
Article | 774 | 1660 | 1540 |
被引频次总计 | 35506 | 94225 | 76164 |
平均引用 | 45.87 | 56.76 | 49.46 |
Reviews | 94 | 303 | 365 |
被引频次总计 | 5857 | 5650 | 9770 |
平均引用 | 62.3 | 18.65 | 26.77 |
News, Letter, Editorial... | 336 | 3202 | 3305 |
被引频次总计 | 650 | 8254 | 9446 |
平均引用 | 1.93 | 2.58 | 2.86 |
News等引用占总引比率 | 1.55% | 7.63% | 9.90% |
表3 2013-2014年CNS发表的Articles和Reviews被引情况
引次* | Cell | % | Nature | % | Science | % |
>500 | 1 | 0.12 | 7 | 0.36 | 8 | 0.42 |
401-500 | 1 | 0.12 | 4 | 0.20 | 0 | 0.00 |
301-400 | 4 | 0.46 | 7 | 0.36 | 10 | 0.52 |
201-300 | 13 | 1.50 | 48 | 2.45 | 25 | 1.31 |
101-200 | 71 | 8.18 | 162 | 8.25 | 144 | 7.56 |
51-100 | 174 | 20.05 | 411 | 20.94 | 328 | 17.22 |
41-50 | 74 | 8.53 | 147 | 7.49 | 145 | 7.61 |
31-40 | 113 | 13.02 | 229 | 11.67 | 182 | 9.55 |
21-30 | 144 | 16.59 | 280 | 14.26 | 269 | 14.12 |
11-20 | 171 | 19.70 | 285 | 14.52 | 325 | 17.06 |
6-10 | 73 | 8.41 | 100 | 5.09 | 140 | 7.35 |
1-5 | 28 | 3.23 | 58 | 2.95 | 103 | 5.41 |
0 | 1 | 0.12 | 225 | 11.46 | 226 | 11.86 |
合计 | 868 | 100.0 | 1963 | 100.0 | 1905 | 100.0 |
1.One-Step Generation of Mice Carrying Mutations in Multiple Genes byCRISPR/Cas-Mediated Genome Engineering. (作者:Wang, Haoyi; Yang, Hui; Shivalila, Chikdu S.; 等.CELL 卷:153 期:4 页:910-918 出版年:MAY 9 2013. 被引频次: 673)
2.Double Nicking by RNA-Guided CRISPR Cas9 for Enhanced Genome EditingSpecificity. (作者: Ran,F. Ann; Hsu, Patrick D.; Lin, Chie-Yu; 等.CELL 卷:154 期:6 页:1380-1389 出版年:SEP 12 2013. 被引频次: 411)
3.Repurposing CRISPR as an RNA-Guided Platform for Sequence-Specific Control ofGene Expression. (作者: Qi,Lei S.; Larson, Matthew H.; Gilbert, Luke A.; 等.CELL 卷:152 期:5 页:1173-1183 出版年:FEB 28 2013. 被引频次: )
1. Sequentialdeposition as a route to high-performance perovskite-sensitized solar cells. (作者:Burschka, Julian; Pellet, Norman; Moon, Soo-Jin; 等.NATURE 卷:499 期:7458 页:316-+ 出版年:JUL 18 2013. 被引频次: 1,573)
2. Thezebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human genome. (作者:Howe, Kerstin; Clark, Matthew D.; Torroja, Carlos F.; 等.NATURE 卷:496 期:7446 页:498-503 出版年:APR 25 2013. 被引频次: 1,254)
3. Efficientplanar heterojunction perovskite solar cells by vapour deposition. (作者:Liu, Mingzhen; Johnston, Michael B.; Snaith, Henry J. NATURE 卷:501 期:7467 页:395-+ 出版年:SEP 19 2013. 被引频次: 1,241)
1.Multiplex Genome Engineering Using CRISPR/Cas Systems. (作者:Cong, Le; Ran, F. Ann; Cox, David; 等.SCIENCE 卷:339 期:6121 页:819-823 出版年:FEB 15 2013. 被引频次: 1,487)
2. RNA-GuidedHuman Genome Engineering via Cas9. (作者:Mali, Prashant; Yang, Luhan; Esvelt, Kevin M.; 等.SCIENCE 卷:339 期:6121 页:823-826 出版年:FEB 15 2013. 被引频次: 1,315)
3. CancerGenome Landscapes. (作者:Vogelstein, Bert; Papadopoulos, Nickolas; Velculescu, Victor E.; 等.SCIENCE 卷:339 期:6127 页:1546-1558 出版年:MAR 29 2013. 被引频次: 986)
Cell: 663篇
1. Hallmarksof cancer: the next generation. (Hanahan D; Weinberg RA. CELL, 144 (5): 646-674 MAR 4 2011) Citations: 8,075
2. Inductionof pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures bydefined factors. (Takahashi K; YamanakaS. CELL, 126 (4): 663-676 AUG 25 2006) Citations:7,357
3. Inductionof pluripotent stem cells from adult human fibroblasts by defined factors.(Takahashi K; Tanabe K, Ohnuki M,et al.CELL, 131 (5): 861-872 NOV 30 2007) Citations:5,784
Nature: 3634篇
1. Two-dimensionalgas of massless dirac fermions in graphene. (Novoselov KS; Geim AK; Morozov SV; et al. NATURE, 438 (7065): 197-200 NOV 10 2005. Field:Physics) Citations: 7,942
2. Experimentalobservation of the quantum hall effect and berrys phase in graphene. (Authors:Zhang YB; Tan YW; Stormer HL; Kim P. NATURE, 438 (7065): 201-204 NOV 10 2005. Field: Physics) Citations: 6,104
3. Graphene-basedcomposite materials. (Stankovich S; Dikin DA; Dommett GHB; et al.NATURE, 442 (7100): 282-286 JUL 20 2006. Field: Chemistry) Citations: 4,944
1. Measurementof the elastic properties and intrinsic strength of monolayer graphene. (LeeC; Wei XD; Kysar JW; Hone J. SCIENCE, 321 (5887): 385-388 JUL 18 2008. Field: Physics) Citations: 4,534
2. Inducedpluripotent stem cell lines derived from human somatic cells. (Yu JY; Vodyanik MA; Smuga-Otto K; et al. SCIENCE, 318 (5858): 1917-1920 DEC 21 2007. Field:Molecular Biology & Genetics) Citations:4,146
3.Title: Graphene: status and prospects. (Geim AK. SCIENCE, 324 (5934): 1530-1534JUN 19 2009. Field: Physics) Citations: 4,058
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