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已有 7401 次阅读 2020-7-1 15:46 |个人分类:狂犬病防治|系统分类:科普集锦| 专著, 十日观察法, WHO, 狂犬111507



目前国际上关于狂犬病研究最权威最全面的大型学术专著狂犬病(Rabies)初版于2002年,最新版(第版)已于今年5月5日面世。该书被誉为有关狂犬病的百科全书该书的全称狂犬病的科学基础和管控(RABIES: SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF THE DISEASE AND ITS MANAGEMENT。(参见博文:权威的大型学术专著《狂犬病(Rabies)》最新版已面世 2020-06-29

该书2002年初版以来的所有四个版本都是充分肯定狂犬病的十日观察法”的。(参见博文:image.png 大型学术专著《狂犬病(Rabies)》充分肯定“十日观察法”



第4章 流行病学(Epidemiology)

4.3  狂犬病毒的传播(RABV transmission)

4.3.4  病毒泌出(Viral shedding



Excretion of RABV in saliva is the primary route of transmission, and has been well studied among several domestic animals, particularly cats, dogs, and ferrets  (Niezgoda, Briggs, Shaddock, &  Rupprecht, 1998; Vaughn Jr., Gerhardt, & Newell, 1965; Vaughn, Gerhardt, & Paterson, 1963). In these seminal studies, virus excretion was not observed more than 3 days before onset of signs in animals. The onset of viral shedding is variable among animals, and rabies was not detected in saliva at all in nearly half of the animals in the experiments (with the exception of cats which had a high rate of RABV RNA detection in saliva). Clinical diagnosis of human rabies cases in the United States has similarly detected RABV in saliva in approximately 43% of cases between 5 and 28days after the onset of symptoms (Petersen & Rupprecht, 2011). Despite reports of longer viral excretion periods, particularly associated with an Ethiopian canine RABV variant, a conservative 10-day observation period has been widely utilized to rule out possible rabies exposures over the past three to four decades (Fekadu, Chandler, & Harrison, 1982; Fekadu, Shaddock, & Baer, 1982; National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians et al., 2016).   No human rabies cases have been reported as a failure of this observation period.


第6章:陆生哺乳动物中的狂犬病(Rabies in Terrestrial Animals

6.1 前言(Introduction)

6.1.1 发病机理概论(General pathogenesis)




  The specifics in rabies pathogenesis founded on both epidemiological and experimental data provide the basis for practical considerations in rabies control, for example, the practice of a 10-day observation period as recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization, 2018). If a dog, cat, or ferret potentially exposes a person or animal, and rabies needs to be ruled in or out, the biting animal may simply be observed for 10 days. If the animal remains alive and well during this 10-day period, the risk of rabies virus transmission from the potential exposure to this animal is negligible. If there were a risk of viral shedding and transmission, the animal would have manifested signs of clinical rabies (sometimes including sudden death) during the observation period. Any clinical sign or sudden death needs to be confirmed by laboratory investigations.

Interestingly, confinement and observation of suspect animals had already been a veterinary hygienic measure before the pathogenesis of the disease was uncovered (Blancou, 2004).


下一篇:麻痹型狂犬病(Paralytic rabies)的临床表现
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