因为得到了华盛顿州立图书馆的个人专业发展基金资助,根据要求写了一份书面报告。 报告是英文撰写的, 为了节约时间我用谷歌翻译翻成了中文, 有用词不当请谅解,确切含义请看英文原文。
参加ELUNA 2019的视觉演示
Ping FU
1.为什么我参加了ELUNA 2019
正如我在拨款申请中所述,ELUNA 2019专注于Ex Libris产品以及当今与图书馆相关的其他相关当前专业问题。我有一个独特的机会与Ex Libris专家会面,了解有关产品路线图,发现新产品功能以及发现其他内幕信息的更多信息。它使我能够将我们的棘手问题带到Ex Libris支持中心,与支持人员亲自合作,并亲自与Ex Libris管理层会面,以宣传我们的机构需求。此外,与ELUNA社区中的其他用户建立联系对我来说是一个很好的方式,可以获得新的想法并了解其他人为其Ex Libris产品开发的最前沿功能。 ELUNA用户社区有相互帮助的悠久历史;我有机会与我在listservs上合作的名字建立新的专业联系人。会议帮助我探讨了小溪图书馆的多样性问题,以及它们如何影响使用我们服务的民族社区,并将提高我们改善系统的能力,以确保校园内的支持多样性。
今天的图书馆受到数据和技术的影响和塑造。我们处于数字时代。围绕我们周围环的都是数据和技术。我从ELUNA 2019经常听到的以下关键词或术语:信息技术,数据技术,数字化转型,研究数据,大数据,物联网(IoT),虚拟现实和增强现实(VR&AR),人工智能(AI) ),分析等。图书馆接触大数据和各种新兴技术。需要将大量数据和库中的数据转换为信息或知识,然后由研究人员或用户使用。图书馆员可能需要了解如何转换,分析和呈现数据,以促进知识创造。如何使大数据集更有用,可见和可访问对图书馆员来说是一个挑战。
一个信息可视化工具是Yewno。根据斯坦福图书馆的说法,“这是一个发现工具,提供了概念之间相互关系的图形显示。 Yewno使用计算语义学,图论和机器学习从学术出版物(包括期刊,书籍和论文)中提取概念,并在图形界面中显示搜索结果,显示这些概念之间的相互关系。用户可以按照该显示中的链接查找从中提取概念和关系的基础出版物,并且系统与库资源许可证集成,允许用户直接访问基础出版物的全文。“如果我们的预算允许在附近未来,我建议在我们的库中实现这个产品。
Ex Libris宣布了加速发现产品创新,提升卓越运营和改善客户体验的战略计划。一个令人兴奋的产品叫做CDI。根据Ex Libris知识中心的说法,“CDI是一个中心发现指数 - 利用现有资产 - 支持Summon和Primo,提供增强的发现,简化图书馆管理并提供运营效率。 CDI将取代Primo Central Index和Summon Index,以访问Ex Libris提供的数据。摄取本地数据将继续像以前一样发挥作用。“CDI的主要优势在于CDI将提高可扩展性并改善旨在应对未来挑战的基础架构。同时,CDI将提高Ex Libris的客户,内容合作伙伴和Ex Libris本身的运营效率。特别是对于像我们这样的Ex Libris用户,我们可以通过一次激活来向用户发布内容。在我们必须激活Alma和Primo Central Index之前。如果我们错过了一些步骤,虽然我们已经付费访问,但我们不会在前端发现层中提供一些信息。 CDI将使激活更容易,并改善我们的工作流程并提高我们的激活准确性。此外,CDI将实现更快的内容更新周期,包括新内容。对于电子馆藏,CDI将为所有客户进行日常版权更新。我很高兴看到我们将在不久的将来从单一搜索框转移到CDI。根据Orbis Cascade Alliance的时间表,我预计CDI将在2020年第一季度实施。
今年的ELUNA非常令人兴奋!许多发言者都谈到了人工智能。人工智能对图书馆来说是真的吗? Ex Libris最近发布了一份关于AI的白皮书。白皮书的标题是“人工智能能否让图书馆在今天的信息环境中获得新的竞争优势?”以下是白皮书中的重点:AI如何帮助图书馆?提高运营效率。通过netter用户体验和新服务吸引更多受众。帮助图书馆实现新目标。在新的学术信息领域为图书馆建立稳固的立足点。在ELUNA 2019上,Ex Libris推出了名为DARA的新数据分析推荐助手。 DARA是一个智能决策支持引擎,由自适应技术驱动,将机器学习带入库中。 DARA建议使用Alma工作流程效率,建议功能并验证自定义配置。通过无缝集成,DATA只需单击即可实现其许多建议。演讲者给我们举了一个例子,DARA可以建议根据其他Alma用户的最佳实践和经验,为某些数据库实现SUSHI收获。 DARA对所有Alma用户免费。我很高兴看到DARA将于2019年第四季度上市。
我有很多机会与来自美国,加拿大和世界其他地区的同行机构的其他图书馆员交朋友。我在接待期间会见了图书管理员,技术专家,供应商代表,会议休息和网络鸡尾酒。我在许多Ex Libris列表服务器上很活跃;然而,这次会议让我有机会与其他机构(包括Orbis Cascade Alliance成员机构)亲自会见。它让我有机会了解其他ELUNA成员机构的情况,并向其他人学习,以发展新的想法并扩展我的视野。
我与加拿大温莎大学的Grace Liu合作做了一个报告。我们的演讲题目是“共享下一代ILS和图书馆联盟的机构视角:趋势,机遇和挑战”。本演讲探讨了领先的下一代ILS产品的采用情况,以揭示趋势,并就共享ILS带来的机遇,挑战和利益提供个体机构观点。 62名与会者注册参加本次会议。实际参加会议的有32名与会者。我们做了很好的演讲并回答了一些问题。 CWU图书馆临时副院长Ginny Blackson也出席了会议。金妮对我的演讲给出了很好的评价。她分享了CWU图书馆技术服务部门如何在图书馆中提供深刻支持。
A Visual Presentation for Attending ELUNA 2019
By Ping Fu
Professor and Head of Library Technology Services
Central Washington University Library
1. Why I attended the ELUNA 2019
As I stated in the grant application, ELUNA 2019 was focused on Ex Libris products as well as other related current professional issues relevant to libraries today. I had a unique opportunity to meet with Ex Libris experts to learn more about product roadmaps, discover new product features, and uncover other insider information. It allowed me to bring our sticky issues to the Ex Libris Support Center to work with support staff in person and meet Ex Libris management in person to advocate for our institutional needs. In addition, networking with other users in the ELUNA community was a great way for me to gain fresh ideas and learn about the cutting edge features that others have developed for their Ex Libris products. The ELUNA user community has a long history of helping one another; I had opportunities to establish new professional contacts as well as put faces to names I’ve collaborated with on listservs. The conference helped me explore issues of diversity in brooks Library and how they affect the ethnic communities who use our services and will improve ability to improve our systems to ensure support diversity on campus.
2. What I learned, and how it will benefit our end users
(1). New information visualization discovery tools are available
Today’s libraries are affected and shaped by data and technology. We are in the digital era. All aound us is about data and technology. The following keywords or terms I heard very frequently from the ELUNA 2019: Information Technology, Data Technology, Digital Transformation, Research Data, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR& AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Analytics, etc. Libraries are exposed to big data and various emerging technologies. The large amount of data and those data in library need to be transformed into information or knowledge which then be used by researchers or users. Librarians might need to understand how to transform, analyze, and present data in order to facilitate knowledge creation. How to make big datasets more useful, visible and accessible is a challenge for librarians.
One information visualization tool is Yewno. According to Stanford Libraries, “It is a discovery tool provides a graphical display of the interrelationships between concepts. Yewno uses computational semantics, graph theory, and machine learning to extract concepts from scholarly publications including journals, books, and theses, and displays search results in a graphical interface that displays the interrelationships between those concepts. Users can follow links in that display to find the underlying publications from which concepts and relationships are extracted, and the system integrates with library resource licenses allowing users to have direct access to the full text of underlying publications.” If our budget allowed in the near future, I would recommend to implement this product in our libraries.
(2). From Single Search Box to CDI
Ex Libris announced its strategic plan for accelerating discovery product innovation, enhancing operational excellence, and improving customer experience. One exciting product called CDI. According to Ex Libris Knowledge Center, “CDI is a central discovery index – leveraging existing assets - that supports both Summon and Primo and delivers enhanced discovery, streamlines library management and provides operational efficiencies. CDI will replace the Primo Central Index and the Summon Index to give access to Ex Libris provided data. The ingestion of local data will continue to function as before.” The key benefits of the CDI are that CDI will increase scalability and an improve infrastructure that is designed to address future challenges. Meanwhile, CDI will enhance operational efficiencies for Ex Libris’ customers, content partners and Ex Libris itself. Particularly, for Ex Libris users like us, we are able to have a single activation to publish content to users. Before we had to activate both in Alma and Primo Central Index. If we missed some steps, we would not make some information available in our front –end discovery layer although we have paid for access. CDI will make the activation easier and improve our workflow and increase our activation accuracy. In addition, CDI would make faster content update cycles including new content. For electronic holdings, CDI will make daily rights update for all customers. I will be happy to see we will move from single search box to CDI in the near future. According to Orbis Cascade Alliance timeline, I expect to see CDI will be implemented in Q1 2020.
(3) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DARA (Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant)
This year’s ELUNA is really exciting! AI was talked by many speakers. Is AI a real thing for libraries? Ex Libris recently released a white paper on AI. The title of the white paper is “Can Artificial Intelligence Give Libraries a new Competitive Advantage in Today’s Information landscape?” Here are highlights in the white paper: How AI can help libraries? Improve operational efficiency. Engage larger audience through netter user experience and new services. Help libraries achieve new goals. Establish a strong foothold for libraries in the new scholarly information landscape. At the ELUNA 2019, Ex Libris introduced its new Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant called DARA. DARA is a smart decision-support engine, driven by adaptive technology that brings machine learning into the library. DARA recommends Alma workflow efficiencies, suggests features, and validates custom configurations. With seamless integration, DATA can implement many of its recommendations with a single click. The speaker gave us an example that DARA can recommend to implement a SUSHI harvest for certain database based on other Alma users’ best practices and experiences. DARA is free to all Alma users. I will be happy to see DARA will be available in Q4 2019.
(4) Networking and better customer support
I had a lot of opportunities to make friends with other librarians from peer institutions in the USA, Canada, and other part of the world. I met with librarians, technology specialists, vendor representatives during the reception, session breaks, and networking cocktails. I am active on many Ex Libris listservs; however, this conference provided me an opportunity to meet with some peers in person from other institutions including Orbis Cascade Alliance member institutions. It gave me an opportunity to know what’s going in other ELUNA member institutions and learn from others for developing new ideas and expanding my horizons.
3. Present at the conference
I co-presented with Grace Liu from University of Winsor in Canada. Our presentation title is “An Institutional Perspective on the Shared Next-gen ILSs and Library Consortia: Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges”. This presentation examined the adoption of the leading next-generation ILS products to reveal the trends, and offer an individual institutional perspective on the opportunities, challenges, and benefits that the shared ILS has brought. 62 attendees registered for this session. There were 32 attendees actually attended the session. We did a good presentation and answered some questions. Ginny Blackson, Interim Associate Dean of CWU Libraries also attended. Ginny gave an excellent comment for my presentation. She shared how the CWU Library Technology Service Unit provided a profound support in the library.
4. Have fun in Atlanta
I visited CNN headquarter in Atlanta in the afternoon on the registration day (5/1) and Georgia Aquarium where the ELUNA welcome reception (5/1 evening) was held. Also had a night walk in the downtown area including Olympic Park around the Hilton Hotel after a diner with a friend.
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