Theorem 1.12. The etale topos (lPKb ⁿ˙ᵃᵈ)et~ is equivalent to the inverse limit lim<φ(lPK ⁿ˙ᵃᵈ)et~.
---- (lPKb ⁿ˙ᵃᵈ)et~ ≌ lim<φ(lPK ⁿ˙ᵃᵈ)et~.
Here, one has to interpret the latter as the inverse limit of a fibred topos in an obvious way, and φ is the map given on coordinates by φ(x0:...:xn) = (x0ᵖ:...:xnᵖ).
The same theorem stays true for proper toric varieties without change.
---- 同样的定理对适当环簇不加改动地成立.
---- 提及环簇意在举出重要情形.
We note that the theorem gives rise to a projection map π: lPⁿKb --> lPⁿK defined on topological spaces and etale topoi of adic spaces, and which is given on coordinates by π(x0:...:xn) = (x0#:...:xn#).