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Why is there hunger? 为什么会有饥饿?

已有 4600 次阅读 2010-8-5 19:15 |个人分类:翻译实践|系统分类:人文社科| 饥饿, hunger

翻译: 邱敦莲



                                                            Why is there hunger?


Lack of food is not the problem. Enough food is produced in the world today for everyone to be properly nourished and lead a healthy and productive life. Hunger exists because of poverty. It exists because natural disasters, like earthquakes, floods and droughts, sometimes occur in places where poor people have little or no means to rebuild once the damage is done. It exists because in many countries women, although they do much of the farming, do not have as much access as men to training, credit or land. Hunger exists because of conflict, which takes away any chance people have to earn a decent living and feed their families. It exists because poor people don’t have access to land or solid agricultural infrastructure to produce viable crops or keep livestock, or to steady work that would otherwise allow them access to food. It exists because people sometimes use natural resources in ways that are not sustainable. It exists because there is not enough investment in the rural sector in many countries to support agricultural development. Hunger exists because financial and economic crises affect the poor most of all by reducing or eliminating the sources of income they depend on to survive.







上一篇:What's hunger ? 什么是饥饿?
下一篇:Who are the hungary? 哪些是饥民?
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