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What's hunger ? 什么是饥饿?

已有 4700 次阅读 2010-8-5 12:11 |个人分类:翻译实践|系统分类:人文社科| 饥饿, hunger




                                                                 What’s hunger?

For the more fortunate, it’s only the feeling in your stomach that says “it’s time to eat.” If you are less fortunate and don’t get enough to eat each day, hunger makes you feel weak, tired, unable to concentrate, even sick. All you can think about is when you are going to eat next. For hundreds of millions of people worldwide, this feeling lasts all day, every day, except they never know if and when this feeling will go away. For them, hunger can lead to illness and temporary or permanent damage to their health. They have insufficient food to keep them active and healthy, and they don’t get all the vitamins and minerals the body needs to function well. This is chronic hunger. When hunger is extreme and after days of insufficient or no food, the body begins to feed on the only thing it can: itself. It breaks down its own fat and body tissues, which eventually leads to starvation and death.








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