“Type-2模糊逻辑系统”是我的Ph.D.导师USC的Mendel 教授二十年来尽全部力量打造的、模糊领域近年来最热门的研究方向之一,近十五年两次获得年度最佳论文奖。下面的故事应该比较有趣,容我慢慢道来。
92年我从USC毕业后,Mendel确实有眼光看出我的那些论文的开创性意义(我当时没有感觉,只觉得应该那么做),于是决定自己全部精力做fuzzy(我是Mendel第一个做fuzzy的学生)。我下面的师弟Karnik开始做了个Type-2模糊逻辑系统,98年毕业。接下来我的师弟、师妹们几乎都做Type-2,包括现在Texas做教授的Q. Liang,还有F. Liu,D. Wu,D. Zhai,H. Wu等现在美国大公司做的风生水起的师弟们,都做Type-2。
由于要见Mendel,总要说些他感兴趣的话题,于是我开始学习Type-2这些年来的主要论文。这下问题来了:我怎么都觉得不应该这么做,完全可以用简单的方法解决问题(如何利用Type-2 fuzzy rules)。我将我的简单方法写成短文发给Mendel和我的师弟们,Mendel开始没有反应过来,还是我的大师弟Q. Liang首先反应过来应该这么做(到底是美国大学当教授的)。Mendel后来也慢慢明白过来;可是,问题太严重了。
按照我的方法,现在的Type-2 fuzzy logic systems 根本就没有提出的必要(视频中的汉子根本没有必要翻栅栏,有非常简单的路可以走)。Mendel确实是一位非常优秀的学者,他也慢慢地看明白了我的方法是怎么一回事。怎么办呢?不能眼睁睁地看着别人说自己是翻栅栏的汉子;于是,犹太人(Mendel是犹太人)开始反击了 ---
As always, you provide a new spin on things. This one I have a lot of difficulties with. … I would like to make a “friendly suggestion” about your work on type-n FSs. When I worked with Nilesh Karnik it took us around 6 months to figure out how to go from a T2 FS to a number by what we later called “type-reduction (TR).” The rest of the T2 community fell into line, to date no one has had the “courage” to say ”Perhaps TR is not needed at all, because I can satisfy the design requirement without it!”
This is great stuff, and this is exciting! This reminds me the debate between Einstein and Bohr about Quantum Theory. Whenever Einstein raised a doubt, Bohr studied it very carefully and came up with an explanation; then Einstein raised a new question and Bohr gave a new answer, … Everything was technical, and science made great progresses this way.
I love science since childhood, because people told me in science everyone are equal: you can express your opinion about a theory freely, no matter who created the theory, and no matter whom you are arguing with. So I never, never thought I need any kind of “courage” to express my opinion about a scientific theory. So here I repeat my basic argument again:
“The ‘type-reduction’ can be done at the very beginning within the Fuzzy Rule Base by using the Compositional Rule of Inference to combine the two MFs of the T2 FS’s fuzziness’s fuzziness to obtain a single MF (as the five examples in my note show), then we can use exactly the same procedures of designing standard T1 FLS to design the T2 FLS.”
几天前我的这篇New Look Type-2论文终于通过重重审稿,即将发表(大概一个月后可以在IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems官网的Early Access中找到)。Type-2的人在fuzzy界是很有实力的,我的这篇论文当然是由他们审,而我要推翻他们的根基,他们的反击可想而知。最后论文能够通过审稿,也真的很感谢Type-2的人:你们是真正的学者!
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