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学术争论(1)小鼠炎症模型可不可用? 精选

已有 4692 次阅读 2014-8-9 16:28 |个人分类:建言献策|系统分类:观点评述| 小鼠


可是,在2013年初,美加两国多位科学家以“炎症和宿主损伤响应大型合作研究计划”(the Inflammation and Host Response to Injury, Large Scale Collaborative Research Program)的名义,在《美国国家科学院院报》(PNAS)上发表论文称,小鼠模型在基因组响应上极少模拟人类炎性疾病



Genomic responses in mouse models poorly mimic human inflammatory diseases


A cornerstone of modern biomedical research is the use of mouse models to explore basic pathophysiological mechanisms, evaluate new therapeutic approaches, and make go or no-go decisions to carry new drug candidates forward into clinical trials. Systematic studies evaluating how well murine models mimic human inflammatory diseases are nonexistent. Here, we show that, although acute inflammatory stresses from different etiologies result in highly similar genomic responses in humans, the responses in corresponding mouse models correlate poorly with the human conditions and also, one another. Among genes changed significantly in humans, the murine orthologs are close to random in matching their human counterparts (e.g., R2 between 0.0 and 0.1). In addition to improvements in the current animal model systems, our study supports higher priority for translational medical research to focus on the more complex human conditions rather than relying on mouse models to study human inflammatory diseases.



然而,在本周刚刚出版的PNAS上,两位日本科学家发表最新论文,有力地反驳了美加科学家的观点,其论文题目更是针锋相对:小鼠模型在基因组响应上极大模拟人类炎性疾病。仅仅一字之差(poorly vs greatly),小鼠作为模式动物的命运几乎阴阳两隔,而造成这种“冰火两重天”的原因竟然仅仅是统计学方法的不同!



Genomic responses in mouse models greatly mimic human inflammatory diseases



The role of mouse models in biomedical research was recently challenged by a report that genomic responses in mouse models poorly mimic human inflammatory diseases. Here we reevaluated the same gene expression datasets used in the previous study by focusing on genes whose expression levels were significantly changed in both humans and mice. Contrary to the previous findings, the gene expression patterns in the mouse models showed extraordinarily significant correlations with those of the human conditions. Moreover, many pathways were commonly regulated by multiple conditions in humans and mice. These findings demonstrate that gene expression patterns in mouse models closely recapitulate those in human inflammatory conditions and strongly argue for the utility of mice as animal models of human disorders.



The use of mice as animal models has long been considered essential in modern biomedical research, but the role of mouse models in research was challenged by a recent report that genomic responses in mouse models poorly mimic human inflammatory diseases. Here we reevaluated the same gene expression datasets used in the previous study by focusing on genes whose expression levels were significantly changed in both humans and mice. Contrary to the previous findings, the gene expression levels in the mouse models showed extraordinarily significant correlations with those of the human conditions (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient: 0.43–0.68; genes changed in the same direction: 77–93%; P = 6.5 × 10−11 to 1.2 × 10−35). Moreover, meta-analysis of those datasets revealed a number of pathways/biogroups commonly regulated by multiple conditions in humans and mice. These findings demonstrate that gene expression patterns in mouse models closely recapitulate those in human inflammatory conditions and strongly argue for the utility of mice as animal models of human disorders.




Concerns over interspecies transcriptional comparisons in mice and humans after trauma


We have read with interest the study by Seok et al. (1) describing transcriptional responses of the immune systems of humans and mice. The authors perform Affymetrix GeneChip-based microarray assays on blood samples collected from blunt trauma, burn, and endotoxemia patients and mouse models of these pathologies. They report little correlation between human and murine genomic responses. Furthermore, the authors assert that mouse models of human disease are of questionable value due to the low biological similarity they observed.

This paper raises some legitimate issues regarding mouse vs. human differential and temporal responses at a gross whole blood level to biological perturbations occurring in other tissues. However, we are concerned that the failure to examine more than a single immune-polarized mouse strain, the lack of correction for differentially abundant cell types, and the use of data analysis approaches that did not consider these factors in an additive fashion strongly limit the conclusions that can be drawn from the data. We question the value of broad comparisons between genetically diverse patients and a single strain of mice. Male C57BL/6 inbred mice, which were used exclusively, have minimal genetic variation and are predisposed to Th1-mediated immune responses (2). Inclusion of additional mouse strains should have been considered in the study design to avoid pseudoreplication (3). Therefore, genetic background is the more appropriate unit of replication and not the individual patient or mouse.

Differences between human and mouse responses to traumas are likely exaggerated when time course data are used in aggregate rather than comparing biologically analogous time intervals and individual cell populations. Mouse and human leukocyte populations differ; thus, the majority of observed effects could be attributed to differential cell population margination or cell death rather than pathway-specific alterations of otherwise constant levels of different cell types. The authors apparently compared expression data from total blood leukocytes collected up to 1 y after injury in human patients vs. only 1 wk in murine models. Although it is certainly true that recovery rates between humans and mice differ, it is inaccurate to suggest that the genomic responses are dissimilar when parallel information is not used.

An additional issue is that data were analyzed without consideration of potential error resulting from variations in sensitivity among different probe sets for genes on the microarrays, which may have led to overestimation of expression divergence between species (4, 5). Further, although negative R values can indicate an inverse correlation, the coefficient of determination, R2, cannot be negative (see figures 3 and 4 and table 1 in ref. 1). Finally, validation of expression levels using complementary methods (e.g., quantitative PCR or Western blotting) was not presented.

We believe these concerns must be addressed before broad conclusions can be drawn from the data. The current conclusions are especially troubling in light of the attention given to this study by the popular media. Although concerns exist regarding the utility of animal models in translating basic research to successful clinical treatments, we believe the current conclusions drawn from this manuscript are of questionable validity.




Reply to Osterburg et al.: To study human inflammatory diseases in humans


Osterburg et al. (1) raise questions from our recent publication (2). First, in our program, a single mouse strain, C57B/6, was selected because it has been the most commonly used in the field for decades. Furthermore, all strains of mice are remarkably resistant to LPS relative to humans. If anything, C57B/6 mice are less resistant and therefore potentially closer to the human response than many other mouse strains (3). Last, figure 4 and table 1 of ref. 2 show that our results are consistent with those of other independent mouse studies and not specific to strain, model, or investigator.

Osterburg et al. (1) question whether the choice of time intervals was appropriate. Gene recoveries in mouse models differ markedly compared with those in complex human diseases. In general, time course comparisons are much more rigorous than single time point or cross-sectional studies in capturing the similarities and differences in the gene changes between humans and mice (4). We performed the time course comparison and compared multiple characteristics of the response in humans and mice, including directionality and maximum magnitude of the changes (figures 1, 4, and S1 and table 1 of ref. 2), the response time and recovery time of the changes (figures 2B and S5 of ref. 2), and time course patterns (figures 2A, S6, and S7 of ref. 2). For both species, the gene response time occurred within the first 6–12 h (figure S5 of ref. 2).

Regarding the technical and statistical issues raised by Osterburg et al., instead of comparing the raw expression values from the microarrays between human and mouse, the comparisons were performed on the changes of expression values between disease conditions and controls within each species, where the same array platform was used for each of the species. The annotation of –R2 was explained in the figure 3 legend and table 1 of ref. 2.

The myriad of ways that mice differ from humans including the different time intervals and the fact that mouse and human leukocyte cell populations differ raise the important question as to whether it is appropriate to try to adjust the model system to more closely compare similar features. To try to adjust or somehow correct for the mouse–human differences either in cell number, time course, or in any other way would introduce artifact. In our study, for example, had we adjusted the leukocyte populations, the genomics would not have reflected the in vivo condition.

Our article provides data for what most investigators already know from their experiences: current mouse models poorly reflect human inflammatory diseases. We are not damning all mouse models. Rather, we propose that the scientific community raise the bar to require model systems to more accurately reproduce the molecular features of human inflammatory disease and we should reprioritize our infrastructure, resources, tools, and methodologies to study human inflammatory diseases in humans.










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