Thomas H. Huxley在A literal education中说,人生取决于一盘棋的输赢,不过是一盘大棋,天地为棋盘,万象为棋子,而下棋的规矩是自然律(The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of theuniverse, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature)。
Liberal education,过去多译作“通识教育”,现在也有人建议“心智教育”。AACU(Associationof American Colleges and Universities)说它是
a philosophy of education that empowers individuals with broad knowledge and transferable skills, and a stronger sense of values, ethics, and civic engagement ... characterised by challenging encounters with important issues,and more a way of studying than a specific course or field of study.
这段话说明了它的“通”(broad and transferable),也指出了它的价值意义。AAAS则指出它培养的是思想解放和自由的人:
a liberal education produces persons who are open-minded and free from provincialism,dogma, preconception, and ideology; conscious of their opinions and judgments;reflective of their actions; and aware of their place in the social and natural worlds.
那种人的特点是怀疑,怀疑传统,自我思想,不盲从权威(Liberally educated people are skeptical of their own traditions;they are trained to think for themselves rather than conform to higher authorities)。这些描述互为补充和因果,因为见识多了才有怀疑,意识强了才享自由。
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