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Seamus Heaney的精神浮力

已有 3547 次阅读 2013-8-31 09:56 |个人分类:诗歌|系统分类:人文社科



信箱里看到《纽约时报》的消息:最新的一个是Kerry说叙利亚用了化学武器;更早的一个更令人遗憾:Seamus Heaney, Nobel Prize-Winning Irish Poet, Dies at 74。我从来不会“主动”读现代诗(不管中国的还是外国的),都是在不期而遇的时候找来看看——今天又相遇了。我本来不知道Heaney,看报告说他是one of the major poets of the 20th century(有些中文介绍甚至说他是当代英文诗写得最好的),忍不住好奇想去看看他的东西。




I’mshocked to discover I’ve been writing poems for forty years, so you won’t hearall of them, but I’ll read a few from the beginning and a few from more recentlythat aren’t in any of the books - poems which grew from the world in which Igrew; poems of childhood; poems even of infancy; poems of Ireland, and somepoems with American basis; poems born out of anxiety; poems born out ofaffection. Allpoems, in a sense, are born out of infancy.


最后一点很有意思。H还解释说,infancy源自拉丁文的Infans, 意思是不说,无言,沉默(unspeaking)。所有的好诗都是在沉默里长大的,从本能的需求到将有幸把它正确说出来(all good poems have beengathered in silence and have moved from the to the luck of getting spoken right)。






Thephrase, ‘going west’, from the First World War, has connotations of mortality,fatality, to ‘go west’. And there’s a very beautiful cadence in the last storyof Joyce’s Dubliners, 'The Dead' the story is called, when Joyce says it wastime for him to set out on his journey westward. So this is a memory of a vividjourney westward that we had.




And sometime make the time to drive out west

Into County Clare,along the Flaggy Shore,

InSeptember or October, when the wind

And thelight are working off each other

So thatthe ocean on one side is wild

Withfoam and glitter, and inland among stones……




Troy JollimoreHeaney的最后一部诗集Human Chain说,it infuses thesemeditative poems with a spiritual buoyancy, a subtle and reassuring joy. 这句模糊的评语很有中国古典诗评的味道,只能自己去想象,我是翻译不出来的。(H很喜欢翻译呢,最有名的译品是古诗Beowuf。)






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