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诗意的科学 精选

已有 5036 次阅读 2012-5-17 08:16 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:观点评述| office


湖畔大诗人Wordsworth在《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads, with Pastoral and Other Poems1800年版序言里——那是一篇有名的文学评论——其中有关于诗与科学的论述。我不知道湖畔的朋友们是不是真的紧跟科学走过,他的心愿倒是与我心有戚戚焉:


Poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge; it is the impassioned expression which is in the countenance of all Science.




The objects of the Poet's thoughts are every where; though the eyes and senses of man are, it is true, his favorite guides, yet he will follow wheresoever he can find an atmosphere of sensation in which to move his wings.




Poetry is the first and last of all knowledge – it is as immortal as the heart of man. If the labours of Men of Science should ever create any material revolution, direct or indirect, in our condition, and in the impressions which we habitually receive, the Poet will sleep then no more than at present, but he will be ready to follow the steps of the Man of Science, not only in those general indirect effects, but he will be at his side, carrying sensation into the midst of the objects of the Science itself.






He [the poet] considers man and nature as essentially adapted to each other, and the mind of man as naturally the mirror of the fairest and most interesting qualities of nature. And thus the Poet, prompted by this feeling of pleasure which accompanies him through the whole course of his studies, converses with general nature with affections akin to those, which, through labour and length of time, the Man of Science has raised up in himself, by conservation with those particular parts of nature which are the objects of his studies. The knowledge both of the Poet and the Man of Science is pleasure…








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