For the manis maternally kind and with a smile hugs to himself his jewel, his certainty ofbeing victimized; it is the mother whose tongue is sharp, who sometimesstrikes. “Well, he gets you out of the house, and I guess that's gold to you.”His answer is “Duty calls,” pronounced minc-ingly. “The social contract is abalance of compromises.”
父亲有点儿“娘”,自己受委屈也甘之若饴(his jewel= his certainty of being victimized),certainty似乎更说他天生一个受气包。但是母亲不同,两个从句并列而递进,两个词也应该自然而连贯,sharpand strikes——从这个角度看,strikes应该是随sharp而来,是以“毒舌”为工具,那么“出口伤人”似乎比“动手打人”更自然。这种简单而多义的不及物的动词,是翻译中常遇到的小麻烦,我想最好凭第一感觉去理解(动口和动手都是这样的);一旦多想,就可能像舌头罢工那样跑偏了。
Updike用sharp说“毒舌”或说话的例子还能找到一些,如Rabbit is Rich中有一句,也是父母对比的:“Your father now was a good worker, who never gave himself airs, butyour mother I must confess I never could abide. A sharp tongue, in a plain body.”如果Up习惯了用舌头,大概会忘了动手吧。
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