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倒时差综合征-Time Zone Change Syndrome

已有 4593 次阅读 2012-7-16 09:18 |个人分类:Science in action|系统分类:生活其它| 伦敦, 细胞, 生物钟, 生物节律, 北京飞往

不知道你有没有听说一种叫做“倒时差综合征”的状态(Time Zone Change Syndrome)。
什么是Time Zone Change Syndrome?
一般而言,一个人的生活越有规律,那么出现“Time Zone Change Syndrome”的程度会越严重。
来自英国爱丁堡大学和剑桥大学的一项合作研究表明,人体生物钟的控制可能与人体细胞内的DNA的活跃水平无关。他们发现,人血液中没有DNA的红血细胞(红血球)也会表现出依据24小时周期性变化的生物节律(生物钟),红血球中的一种被称为“ peroxiredoxins”蛋白质可以表现依据时间差异表现出特定的生物节律现象。
参加研究的科学家相信,与细胞生物节律有关的机制一定是细胞“硬件”的一部分(hard-wired ),每个细胞可能通过这些“硬件”维持着属于自己的独特的“生物节律”,以保证这些细胞之间表现出“差异”。否则,丧失了各自生物节律(生物钟)的细胞会变得彼此“相同”,变得功能紊乱。
跨时区旅行容易患病(来自最新研究from BBC)
International travel 'makes athletes ill'
Plane The different germs and food in a foreign country, rather than air travel, seem to make athletes ill
 Elite athletes who travel across more than five timezones to compete, more than double their risk of illness, a BMJ study has suggested.

The researchers argue the different germs and allergens of a new environment affect the athletes.

Air travel does not seem to play a part as on returning home the competitors' health does not differ from normal.

They suggest this could contribute to a home advantage for Team GB in the Olympic Games.

Prof Martin Schwellnus, one of the paper's authors said: "It is a common perception that international travel increases illness - due to organisms in aeroplanes."

However, this study suggests that increased illness from travel is more likely to be due to the fact that the person is out of their normal environment.

Prof Schwellnus added: "The stresses of travelling seem not to affect the players because when they return home the risk of illness does not differ from normal.

"Changes in air pollution, temperature, allergens, humidity, altitude as well as different food, germs and culture could all contribute to illness when arriving in a distant destination."

Reported illness

The study tracked the daily health of 259 elite rugby players competing in the 2010 Super 14 Rugby Tournament.

Over 16 weeks, teams from Australia, South Africa and New Zealand played in all three countries.

Start Quote

These findings could be relevant to the Olympics and might contribute to the home advantage”

End Quote Prof Martin Schwellnus Report author

For matches played on home turf, before international travel, there were 15 reported illnesses in every 1,000 days played.

In locations where players were more than five hours' time difference away from home, this rose to 33 reported illnesses in every 1,000 days played.

For matches played back home after international travel - illness fell to 11 incidents in every 1,000 days played.

Almost a third of all illnesses reported were respiratory conditions, followed by gut problems and skin and soft tissue conditions.

Home advantage

Prof Schwellnus said: "These findings could be relevant to the Olympics and might contribute to a home advantage."

Although Prof Schwellnus also pointed out that this study concentrated on a tournament played from February to May with participation every week - a different environment to the Olympic athletes who generally compete just once.

His research is now looking at which players are more prone to illness as some were more likely than others to become ill. He said: "It is a player thing, with certain people being particularly sensitive to a new environment, rather than a travel thing."

Other factors that have been shown to work in the home teams' favour are familiar surroundings and the backing of the crowd. But there are also factors that can have a negative impact like increased pressure and expectation and worries about letting people down.


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