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Robert Burns: 是男人还他妈在乎这个?

已有 6535 次阅读 2012-6-5 23:25 |个人分类:潘学峰诗选|系统分类:诗词雅集| 苏格兰, Robert, head, Burns

   A Man's A Man For A' That

For A' That 意思是“for all that"

(Robert BurnS是我喜爱的苏格兰诗人,喜爱他有两个重要的原因,一是他代表了出身平民的苏格兰的一种气节;同时,也表现的才华横溢。“A Man's A Man For A' that" 可直译为“不管怎么讲,男人总应该是男人”又通常被中国人翻译为“无论如何都要保持尊严”。我情愿在此把它翻译为“是男人还他妈在乎这个?”(主要疏解内心的愤懑!)。这首诗歌深受西方人的喜爱,特别是在苏格兰,曾被看作可代替国歌的歌曲。因此,他理所当然地成了彭斯的代表作之一,主要表达了诗人的社会平等思想;和自由主义思想,也是19世纪社会主义思想的象征。)

  Is there for honest poverty
  That hings his head, an' a' that ?
  The coward slave, we pass him by
  We dare be poor for a' that!
  For a' that, an' a' that,
  Our toils obscure, an' a' that
  The rank is but the guinea's stamp,
  The man's the gowd(=gold) for a' that.
  What though on hamely fare we dine,
  Wear hoddin grey, an' a' that ?
  Gie(给这些傻B) fools their silks, and knaves their wine--
  A man's a man for a' that.
  For a' that, an' a' that,
  Their tinsel(华而不实) show, an' a' that,
  The honest man, tho' e'er sae poor(though ever so poor),
  Is king o' men (King of Men) for a' that.
  Ye see yon(yongder) birkie(别看那些傻B神气的样子), ca'd(called) a lord,
  Wha(who) struts, an' stares, an' a' that ?
  Thou' hundreds worship at his word,
  He's but a coof(他只不过是一个蠢货) for a' that.
  For a' that, an' a' that,
  His ribband(绶带), star, an' a' that,
  The man o' independent mind,
  He looks and laughs at a' that.
  A prince can mak a belted knight(封爵),
  A marquis(侯爵), duke(公爵), an' a' that!
  But an honest man's aboon his might(这里的aboon=above)
  Guid faith,(=good faith) he mauna fa' that(=he must not claim that) !
  For a' that, an' a' that,
  Their dignities, an' a' that,
  The pith o' sense(真知灼见的力量) an' pride o' worth,(这本是值得哥自豪的品格)
  Are higher rank than a' that.
  Then let us pray that come it may(那么让我都他妈为这祈祷!),
  As come it will(那它必成现实!) for a' that,
  That Sense and Worth, o'er a' the earth,
  Shall bear the gree(=赢得胜利), an' a' that!
  For a' that, an' a' that,
  It's comin(=coming) yet for a' that,
  That man to man, the world o'er,
  Shall brithers(=brother, 难道哥们儿还他妈在乎这些?) be for a' that.


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5 曹聪 鲍海飞 陆俊茜 梁建华 wangqinling

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