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Science:磁性“刺猬”可以在很小的空间内存储大数据 精选

已有 7552 次阅读 2021-12-18 21:08 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Magnetic patterns that are similar to a hedgehog’s spikes could lead to more efficient -- and larger-scale -- data storage, a new study has found. Image credit: Getty Images

据美国俄亥俄州立大学(The Ohio State University20211217日提供的消息,一项新的研究表明,类似刺猬尖刺的原子尺度的磁模式可能导致硬盘的容量比现在的设备大得多(Magnetic 'hedgehogs' could store big data in a small space)。这一发现可以帮助数据中心跟上对视频和云数据存储呈指数增长的需求。相关研究结果于20211216日已经在《科学》(Science)杂志网站发表——Jacob RepickyPo-Kuan WuTao LiuJoseph P. CorbettTiancong ZhuShuyu ChengAdam S. AhmedN. Takeuchi,J. Guerrero-SanchezMohit RanderiaRoland K. Kawakami,  Jay A. Gupta. Atomic-scale visualization of topological spin textures in the chiral magnet MnGe. Science, 16 Dec 2021, 374(6574): 1484-1487. Doi: 10.1126/Science.Abd9225https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abd9225

发表在《科学》(Science)杂志上的一项研究中,俄亥俄州立大学的研究人员使用磁性显微镜(magnetic microscope)来可视化在一种不寻常的磁性材料——锗化锰(manganese germanide,分子式为MnGe)的薄膜中形成的模式。与常见的磁体(如铁)不同,这种材料的磁性遵循类似于DNA的螺旋结构。这就产生了一种新的磁性动物模式,它们的名字包括刺猬(hedgehogs)、反刺猬(anti-hedgehogs)、斯格明子(skyrmions)和梅隆(merons),它们的体积可能比现在的磁位(magnetic bits)小得多。


该研究的通讯作者、俄亥俄州立大学物理学教授杰伊·古普塔(Jay Gupta)说:“这些新的磁模式可以用于下一代数据存储(data storage)。硬盘的存储密度正在接近其极限,这与你能把磁位做得有多小有关。这促使我们去寻找新的材料,只有在新材料里我们也许可以让磁位变得更小。

为了直观地观察磁性模式,杰伊·古普塔和他的团队在他的实验室中使用了一种经过特殊修饰的扫描隧道显微镜(scanning tunneling microscope)。这台显微镜以原子级分辨率提供磁性模式的图片。其图像显示,在样本的某些部分,表面的磁性扭曲成类似刺猬刺的图案。然而,在这种情况下,刺猬的“身体”只有10纳米宽,比今天的磁位(50纳米)要小得多,而且几乎不可能可视化。相比之下,人的一根头发直径大约有8万纳米。




Scanning tunneling microscopy reveals the origins of stable skyrmion lattices

Peeking into magnetic textures

Topological spin textures hold promise as robust carriers of information and have been observed in bulk materials with a specific crystal structure. One of these materials, manganese germanide (MnGe), exhibits unusual textures in bulk form. Repicky et al. used spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy to study surface magnetism in thin films of MnGe. Achieving high spatial resolution, the researchers observed stripe-like features consistent with a helical state. In regions where the film was slightly curved due to strain, the intersection of domain walls led to characteristic closed patterns that could be manipulated with current/voltage pulses. —JS


Topological spin textures in chiral magnets such as manganese germanide (MnGe) are of fundamental interest and may enable magnetic storage and computing technologies. Our spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy images of MnGe thin films reveal a variety of textures that are correlated to the atomic-scale structure. Our images indicate helical stripe domains, in contrast to bulk, and associated helimagnetic domain walls. In combination with micromagnetic modeling, we can deduce the three-dimensional (3D) orientation of the helical wave vectors, and we find that three helical domains can meet in two distinct ways to produce either a “target-like” or a “π-like” topological spin texture. The target-like texture can be reversibly manipulated through either current/voltage pulsing or applied magnetic field, which represents a promising step toward future applications.


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