中文题目: | 被“遗漏”的交食 ——传教士对崇祯改历时期交食记录的选择性删除 |
英文题目: | |
作 者: | 李亮 吕凌峰 石云里 |
刊物名称: | 中国科技史杂志 |
发表年度: | 2014 |
卷: | 35 |
期: | 3 |
页码: | 303-315 |
中文摘要: | 崇祯七年(1634年)三月的一次大食分的日食恰好发生在明末历法改革及《崇祯历书》编修的关键时期,为检验西洋新法与传统中国历法的疏密提供了重要机会。通过韩国奎章阁藏明刻本《崇祯历书》中的《古今交食考》和《治历缘起》等资料,发现此次日食的记载在入清后曾遭到传教士的人为删除,其背后隐藏了新法在此次日食推算中不及传统历法这一事实,其目的是为了掩饰西法曾经的过失,显示其一贯的优长。并且此次交食记录的删改不是独立的个案,类似现象曾多次发生。由此可知,西洋新法“与天密合”的现象并非完全因其推算精密,其中与传教士在其著作中有意突出对新法有利、隐瞒对新法不利的证据也有关系。 |
英文摘要: | During the astronomical reform of the Chongzhen reign, there was an important eclipse of large magnitude on March 29th in the year 1634, which provided a good opportunity to test the precision of different systems of astronomy involved in competition at the time. From a more original version of the Gujin jiaoshi kao, a part of the Chongzhen Lishu presently preserved in the Kyujanggak archives in Korea, we discovered that the prediction of this eclipse made by the Jesuit astronomers was much more inaccurate than both the official Datong Li and the system proposed by Wei Wenkui, one of the most stubborn adversaries of Western astronomy. However, discussion of this eclipse was eventually purged from all later versions of the Chongzhen Lishu, apparently as a way to conceal a bad failure of Western astronomy. Similar deletions can also be found in other part of the later editions of the Chongzhen Lishu. These deletions shed new light on the issue of why the Ming government was so reluctant to adopt the Chongzhen Lishu as the official system of astronomy. Meanwhile, they also show how Jesuit missionaries tried to defend the credibility of Western astronomy through the purging of the Chongzhen Lishu. |
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