2月22日,白宫科技政策办公室主任John Holdren宣布,凡年度研发支出超过1亿美元的所有联邦政府机构,都要在半年内拿出方案,谈谈本部门如何将联邦政府资助的研发项目所产生的科学论文和科学数据在发表后一年内通过机构知识库向公众免费开放(http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/ostp_public_access_memo_2013.pdf)。
以下这些机构都将受这条规定约束,其中有的已经制定了支持开放获取的强度不一的政策,点击Policy details可见详情。
1. |
Funder Mandate |
Smithsonian Institution (史密森学会) |
2. |
Funder Mandate |
USAID(美国国际开发总署) |
3. |
Funder Mandate |
US Department of State (国务院) |
4. |
Funder Mandate |
US Department of Agriculture (USDA)(农业部) |
5. |
Funder Mandate |
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)(国土安全部) |
6. |
Funder Mandate |
US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)(联邦公路管理局) |
7. |
Funder Mandate |
US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (联邦航空管理局) |
8. |
Funder Mandate |
US Department of Transportation (DOT) (运输部) |
9. |
Funder Mandate |
US Department of Energy (DOE)(能源部) |
10. |
Funder Mandate |
US Department of Defense (DOD)(国防部) |
11. |
Funder Mandate |
US Geological Survey (USGS)(美国地质调查局) |
12. |
Funder Mandate |
US Department of the Interior (DOI)(内务部) |
13. |
Funder Mandate |
US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (国家海洋与大气管理局) |
14. |
Funder Mandate |
US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)(国家标准技术研究院) |
15. |
Funder Mandate |
US Department of Commerce (DOC)(商务部) |
16. |
Funder Mandate |
US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)(美国保健科研与质量局) |
17. |
Funder Mandate |
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (食品药品管理局 |
18. |
Funder Mandate |
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)(国家疾病防控中心) |
19. |
Funder Mandate |
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (卫生部) |
20. |
Funder Mandate |
US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)(国家航空航天局) |
21. |
Funder Mandate |
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (环境保护署) |
22. |
Funder Mandate |
US Department of Education(教育部) |
23. |
Funder Mandate |
US National Science Foundation (NSF) (国家科学基金会) |
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