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已有 4764 次阅读 2012-1-27 22:21 |个人分类:鼓与呼|系统分类:生活其它| 俱乐部, 围棋, 锦标赛, 日立公司

2012年1月21号, 由英国围棋协会主办、日立公司支持、梅登黑德围棋俱乐部承办的梅登黑德日立围棋锦标赛在位于梅登黑德的日立公司举行。来自英国的50多位围棋段位选手和围棋爱好者参加了比赛。比赛前, 举行了纪念陆欣义的仪式。 陆欣义父母应邀参加了纪念仪式, 欣义的母亲在仪式上发言:


我很感谢梅登黑德围棋俱乐部、梅登黑德日立围棋锦标赛安排了纪念欣义的仪式, 我们也感谢英国围棋协会命名英国互联网个人联赛奖项为"陆欣义奖"。

这个地点让我回想起我和欣义当年初到梅登黑德的许多事情。我17年前被这个大楼内的日立欧洲微系统公司聘用, 从爱丁堡搬到梅登黑德。从那时起, 我们一直居住在梅登黑德。 在这里, 欣义上了小学、上了中学, 同时也学会了围棋。 十多年来, 欣义的许多星期五晚上都用于参加梅登黑德围棋俱乐部的活动。欣义也参加和组织了以前的梅登黑德日立围棋锦标赛。今天如果他没有出事的话, 也应该在这里和大家在一起。

围棋是欣义最喜欢的活动, 不仅享受着竞赛, 而且广交朋友。 欣义遇难后, 他的许多朋友给我们写信、或在网上撰文纪念他。最常听到的一个描述是":欣义的微笑"(Xinyi's smile)。 欣义是一个温和、友善、助人为乐的人, 他总是以真诚的微笑面对别人、面对生活。 他的微笑源于他喜欢围棋、也喜欢下围棋的人; 他的微笑源于他热爱所居住的梅登黑德、也热爱这个国家。他的微笑也给予了他的病人和同事, 也体现在他所参加的其它公益事业之中。我们为他而骄傲、为失去他而痛惜, 但是他的微笑永远伴随着我们。

希望欣义的朋友们记住":Xinyi's smile" , 祝愿梅登黑德日立围棋锦标赛成功举办!


Dear friends:
I am grateful to Maidenhead Go club, Maidenhead Hitachi GO tournament & Mr. Iain Attwell for arranging such a memorial event for Xinyi. We are also grateful to the BGA League Tournaments for the naming of the Internet individual League winner prize as Xinyi Lu Prize.

This building reminds me of many things about myself and Xinyi. I was employed by Hitachi Micro Systems Europe, just inside this building, 17 years ago when we moved from Edinburgh to Maidenhead. Since then, we have been residents of Maidenhead, where Xinyi completed his primary education, at All Saints School, and secondary education at Burnham Grammar School. Meanwhile, Xinyi learnt to play Go. For almost ten years, Xinyi spent most Friday evenings with Iain & friends of Maidenhead Go club. Xinyi also took part in, and organized, previous Maidenhead Hitachi GO tournaments. Xinyi would have been here today if the accident had not occurred.

Go was Xinyi's most joyful activity. Not only did he enjoy the game, but also he made so many friends through it. After Xinyi's death, many of his friends wrote to us, or, wrote on the internet in memory of him. The most frequently used expression is "Xinyi's smile". He smiled because he loved Go. He smiled because he loved those friends. He smiled because he liked Maidenhead and this country. His smiles were also there when he was with his patients and colleagues, as well as in other social activities. He had been a regular blood donor from when he was 18 until his death. He also became a registered donor so that he could contribute his organs and bone marrow in order to save other people's lives. He was a gentle, caring and kind person, so he always smiled. We are so proud of him and we feel very sad to lose him. But his smile will be with us forever.

It has been so difficult during the past three months, when we fought a campaign in China in search of justice for Xinyi, and to raise awareness for the safety standards of public places in China. The local authorities have finally admitted their responsibility for the dangerous spot in the national park, and I am glad to say that it is now closed. We appreciate the strong support we have received from all of you. Thank you.

Finally, we hope that all of his friends remember Xinyi's smile, and we wish today’s tournament will be a great success.




We know that  everyone in the British Go community and Xinyi’s place of work was totally shocked and horrified to learn of  Xinyi’s tragic death in October, whilst on holiday in China.

As well as playing a prominent part in over-the-board games and tournaments, Xinyi Lu was an enthusiastic player in the newly-started online individual league during 2011 after playing a prominent part in the team league on behalf of the Central London Go Club team.

Although he started in division 2, he soon dominated the division, not only playing more games than anyone else, but winning all of the ones he played. By August his position at the head of the division was unassailable and his promotion to Division 1 seemed inevitable – but alas it was not to be.

It had already been decided that  prizes should be awarded to the winner in each division of the Individual online League,  but as a small memorial to Xinyi, it has been agreed  that these prizes should be henceforth known as the "Xinyi Lu Prizes" as a small, but hopefully lasting, memorial to him.

The other winners of the Xinyi Lu Prizes for 2011, who would have included Xinyi himself, have agreed to donate the value of their prizes to Xinyi's parents to assist towards their legal and other expenses in connection with his death.

Whilst any such gesture can only seem totally inadequate in the face of the pain suffered by Xinyi’s  family, we hope that the knowledge that his contributions to British Go were greatly valued and appreciated will give Xinyi’s  family a justified sense of pride as they remember and continue to grieve for him.



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