【我的中国佬 阿乔】
J.W. Conner 译制/代伟
我的中国佬哦,阿乔 John Chinaman, my jo, John
你来得也真是太快了 You're coming precious fast
从上海驶出的每一艘船 Each ship that sails from Shanghai brings
都载来了更多的人 An increase on the last
什么时候你不在蜂拥而入 And when you'll stop invading us
我将感到无比欣慰。因为,我知道 I'm blest, now, if I know
你们的数量会远远多过我们这些可怜的洋基人 You'll outnumber us poor Yankees
我的中国佬哦,阿乔 John Chinaman, my Jo.
我的中国佬哦,阿乔 John Chinaman, my jo, John
你们平常出门总是成群结队 You not only come in shoals
还经常常到处洗洗涮涮 But you often shake the washing stuff
把水坑搞的脏乱不堪 And spoil the water holes
自然,其他淘金者有感到不满 And, of course, that riles the miners, John
你知道,他们被激怒后 And enrages them, you know
会把你们赶的远远 For they drive you frequently away
我的中国佬哦,阿乔 John Chinaman, my jo.
我的中国佬哦,阿乔 John Chinaman, my jo, John
你习惯了以大米为食 You used to live on rice
现在,你也买面粉和李子 But now you purchase flour, plums
还有其它的食物。这样很好 And other things that's nice.
我还看到你那里有一家肉店 And I see a butcher shop, At your Chinese place below
你一直都喜欢羊肉 And you like your mutton now and then
我的中国佬哦,阿乔 John Chinaman, my jo.
我的中国佬哦,阿乔 John Chinaman, my jo, John
虽然大家对你持有抱怨 Though folks may at you rail
我还是要给你的脑袋祝福 Here's blessings on your head, John
让你的辫子更有力 And more power to your tail
同时我还要给你一个忠告,那就是 But a piece of good advice, John,I'll give you, ere I go
“千万不要滥用你享有的自由” Don't abuse the freedom you enjoy
我的中国佬哦,阿乔 John Chinaman, my jo.
这篇诗歌,来自1868年出版的 Conner's Irish Song Book
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