


已有 2405 次阅读 2017-12-14 10:23 |个人分类:文献推荐|系统分类:论文交流


1 Suppression of wheat TaCDK8/TaWIN1 interaction negatively affects germination of Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici by interfering with very-long-chain aldehyde biosynthesis


Powdery mildew caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici (Bgt) is a devastating disease of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Bgt infection initiates with its conidia germination on the aerial surface of wheat. In this study, we isolated the cyclin-dependent kinase 8 (TaCDK8) from wheat cultivar Jing411 and found that silencing of TaCDK8 impeded Bgt germination. The biochemical and molecular-biological assays revealed that TaCDK8 interacts with and phosphorylates the wheat transcription factor wax inducer 1 (TaWIN1) to stimulate the TaWIN1-dependent transcription. Bgt conidia on the leaves of TaWIN1-silenced plants also showed reduced germination. Gas chromatographic analysis revealed that knockdown of TaCDK8 or TaWIN1 resulted in decreases of wax components and cutin monomers in wheat leaves. Moreover, Bgt germination on leaves of TaCDK8 or TaWIN1 silenced plants could be fully restored by application of wild-type cuticular wax. In vitro studies demonstrated that very-long-chain aldehydes absent from the cuticular wax of the TaCDK8 or TaWIN1 silenced plants were capable of chemically stimulating Bgt germination. These results implicated that the suppression of TaCDK8/TaWIN1 interaction negatively a ects Bgt germination by interfering with very-long-chain aldehyde biosynthesis required for e cient fungal germination.

2、Genetic variation of salt-stressed durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum Desf.) genotypes under field conditions and gynogenetic capacity


Agriculture has new challenges against the climate change: the preservation of genetic resources and the rapid creation of new varieties better adapted to abiotic stress, specially salinity. In this context, the agronomic performance of 25 durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum Desf.) genotypes (nineteen landraces and six improved varieties), cultivated in two semiarid regions in the center area of Tunisia, were assessed. These sites (Echbika, 2.2 g l 1; Barrouta, 4.2 g l 1) differ by their degree of salinity of the water irrigation. The results showed that most of the agronomic traits (e.g. spike per meter square, thousand kernels weight and grain yield) were reduced by salinity. Durum wheat landraces, Mahmoudi and Hmira, and improved varieties, Maali and Om Rabia showed the widest adaptability to different quality of irrigation water. Genotypes including Jneh Kotifa and Arbi were estimated as stable genotypes under adverse conditions. Thereafter, salt-tolerant (Hmira and Jneh Khotifa) and the most cultivated high-yielding (Karim, Razzak and Khiar) genotypes were tested for their gynogenetic ability to obtain haploids and doubled haploid lines. Genotypes with good induction capacity had not necessarily a good capacity of regeneration of haploid plantlets. In our conditions, Hmira and Khiar exhibited the best gynogenetic ability (3.1% and 2.9% of haploid plantlets, respectively).

3、Cytogenetic analysis and mapping of leaf rust resistance in Aegilops speltoides Tausch derived bread wheat line Selection2427 carrying putative gametocidal gene(s)


Leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) is a major biotic stress affecting wheat yields worldwide. Host-plant resistance is the best method for controlling leaf rust. Aegilops speltoides is a good source of resistance against wheat rusts. To date, five Lr genes, Lr28, Lr35, Lr36, Lr47, and Lr51, have been transferred from Ae. speltoides to bread wheat. In Selection2427, a bread wheat introgresed line with Ae. speltoides as the donor parent, a dominant gene for leaf rust resistance was mapped to the long arm of chromosome 3B (LrS2427). None of the Lr genes introgressed from Ae. speltoides have been mapped to chromosome 3B. Since none of the designated seedling leaf rust resistance genes have been located on chromosome 3B, LrS2427 seems to be a novel gene. Selection2427 showed a unique property typical of gametocidal genes, that when crossed to other bread wheat cultivars, the F1 showed partial pollen sterility and poor seed setting, whilst Selection2427 showed reasonable male and female fertility. Accidental co-transfer of gametocidal genes with LrS2427 may have occurred in Selection2427. Though LrS2427 did not show any segregation distortion and assorted independently of putative gametocidal gene(s), its utilization will be difficult due to the selfish behavior of gametocidal genes.

4、5-Azacytidine treatment and TaPBF-D over-expression increases gluten in accumulation within the wheat grain by hypomethylating the Glu-1 promoters


The wheat glutenins exert a strong in uence over dough elasticity, but the regulation of their encoding genes has not been rmly established. Following treatment with 5-azacytidine (5-azaC), both the weight and glutenin content of the developing and mature grains were signi cantly increased. The abundance of transcript produced by the Glu-1 genes (encoding high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits), as well as those encoding demethylases and transcriptional factors associated with prolamin synthesis was higher than in grain of non-treated plants. These grains also contained an enhanced content of the prolamin box binding factor (PBF) protein. Bisul te sequencing indicated that the Glu-1 promoters were less strongly C-methylated in the developing grain than in the ag leaf, while in the developing grain of 5-azaC treated plants, the C-methylation level was lower than in equivalent grains of non-treated plants. Both Glu-1 transcript abundance and glutenin content were higher in the grain set by three independent over-expressors of the D genome homoeolog of TaPBF than in the grain set by wild type plants. When assessed 10 days after owering, the Glu-1 promoters’ methylation level was lower in the developing grains set by the TaPBF-D over-expressor than in the wild type control. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed that PBF-D was able to bind in vitro to the P-box of Glu-1By8 and -1Dx2, while a ChIP-qPCR analysis revealed that a lower level of C-methylation in the Glu-1By8 and -1Dx2 promoters improved the TaPBF binding. We suggest that promoter DNA C-methylation is a key determinant of Glu-1 transcription.

5、Liquid chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to identify quantitative resistance-related metabolites and genes in wheat QTL-2DL against Fusarium head blight


Metabolomics has become a widely-used tool in plants to phenotype different genotypes with varying levels of resistance to stresses. Two near-isogenic lines (NILs) of wheat QTL-2DL, with contrasting levels of resistance to fusarium head blight (FHB), were grown under greenhouse conditions, spikelets were individually inoculated, fungal biomass quantified and the metabolome profiled. The NILs significantly varied in resistance to FHB. The metabolites in phenylpropanoid, fatty acid and glycerophospholipid pathways were highly induced in NIL-R (resistant NIL) relative to NIL-S (susceptible NIL) upon Fusarium graminearum (Fg) inoculation. Key genes involved in the biosynthesis of high fold-change resistance related (RR) metabolites such as genes encoding a glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT), an ABC transporter eceriferum 5 (CER5), and a phenylalanine ammonium lyase (PAL), were identified from the QTL-2DL region based on wheat genome survey sequence. Concurrently, relative transcript expressions of these candidate genes were also up-regulated in NIL-R after pathogen inoculation, confirming their potential involvement in the biosynthesis of high fold-change RR metabolites. The spikelet resistance to FHB observed in this study was mainly associated with cell wall reinforcement through deposition of cutin and suberin molecules.

6、Genetic analysis of multi-environmental spring wheat trials identifies genomic regions for locus-specific trade-offs for grain weight and grain number


Grain yield (GY) can be dissected into its components thousand grain weight (TGW) and grain number (GN), but little has been achieved in assessing the trade-o between them in spring wheat. In the present study, the Wheat Association Mapping Initiative (WAMI) panel of 287 elite spring bread wheat lines was phenotyped for GY, GN, and TGW in ten environments across di erent wheat growing regions in Mexico, South Asia, and North Africa. The panel genotyped with the 90 K Illumina In nitum SNP array resulted in 26,814 SNPs for genome-wide association study (GWAS). Statistical analysis of the multi-environmental data for GY, GN, and TGW observed repeatability estimates of 0.76, 0.62, and 0.95, respectively. GWAS on BLUPs of combined environment analysis identi ed 38 loci associated with the traits. Among them four loci—6A (85 cM), 5A (98 cM), 3B (99 cM), and 2B (96 cM)—were associated with multiple traits. The study identified two loci that showed positive association between GY and TGW, with allelic substitution effects of 4% (GY) and 1.7% (TGW) for 6A locus and 0.2% (GY) and 7.2% (TGW) for 2B locus. The locus in chromosome 6A (79–85 cM) harbored a gene TaGW2-6A. We also identified that a combination of markers associated with GY, TGW, and GN together explained higher variation for GY (32%), than the markers associated with GY alone (27%). The marker-trait associations from the present study can be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) and to discover the underlying genes for these traits in spring wheat.

7、 Current advances in genome sequencing of common wheat and its ancestral species


Common wheat is an important and widely cultivated food crop throughout the world. Much progress has been made in regard to wheat genome sequencing in the last decade. Starting from the sequencing of single chromosomes/chromosome arms whole genome sequences of common wheat and its diploid and tetraploid ancestors have been decoded along with the development of sequencing and assembling technologies. In this review, we give a brief summary on international progress in wheat genome sequencing, and mainly focus on reviewing the effort and contributions made by Chinese scientists.

8、Molecular genetic and genomic analysis of wheat milling and end-use traits in China: Progress and perspectives


Wheat is the most widely cultivated staple food crop, and multiple types of food derivatives are processed and consumed globally. Wheat grain quality (WGQ) is central to food processing and nutritional value, and is a decisive factor for consumer acceptance and commercial value of wheat cultivars. Hence, improvement in WGQ traits is top priority for both conventional and molecular wheat breeding. In this review we will focus on two important WGQ traits, grain milling and end-use, and will summarize recent progress in China. Chinese scientists have invested substantial effort in molecular genetic and genomic analysis of these traits and their effects on end-use properties. The insights and resources generated have contributed to the understanding and improvement of these traits. As high-quality genomics information and powerful genome engineering tools are becoming available for wheat, more fundamental breakthroughs in dissecting the molecular and genomic basis of WGQ are expected. China will strive to make further significant contributions to the study and improvement of WGQ in the genomics era.

9、Wheat genome editing expedited by efficient transformation techniques: Progress and perspectives


Genome editing is one of the most promising biotechnologies to improve crop performance. Common wheat is a staple food for mankind. In the past few decades both basic and applied research on common wheat has lagged behind other crop species due to its complex, polyploid genome and difficulties in genetic transformation. Recent breakthroughs in wheat transformation permit a revolution in wheat biotechnology. In this review, we summarize recent progress in wheat genetic transformation and its potential for wheat improvement. We then review recent progress in plant genome editing, which is now readily available in wheat. We also discuss measures to further increase transformation efficiency and potential applications of genome editing in wheat. We propose that, together with a high quality reference genome, the time for efficient genetic engineering and functionality studies in common wheat has arrived.

10、Introgression of Aegilops speltoides segments in Triticum aestivum and the effect of the gametocidal genes


Recombination in the gametes of the F1 hybrids was at a level where it was possible to generate a genetic linkage map of Ae. speltoides. This was used to identify 294 wheat/Ae. speltoidesintrogressions. Introgressions from all seven linkage groups of Ae. speltoides were found, including both large and small segments. Comparative analysis showed that overall macro-synteny is conserved between Ae. speltoides and T. aestivum, but that Ae. speltoidesdoes not contain the 4A/5A/7B translocations present in wheat. Aegilops speltoides has been reported to carry gametocidal genes, i.e. genes that ensure their transmission through the gametes to the next generation. Transmission rates of the seven Ae. speltoideslinkage groups introgressed into wheat varied. A 100 % transmission rate of linkage group 2 demonstrates the presence of the gametocidal genes on this chromosome.

11、A comparative analysis of nonhost resistance across the two Triticeae crop species wheat and barley


In each pathosystem a significant transcriptome reprogramming by adapted- or non-adapted pathogen isolates was observed, with considerable overlap between Blumeria, Magnaporthe and Puccinia. Small subsets of these general pathogen-regulated genes were identified as differentially regulated between host and corresponding nonhost interactions, indicating a fine-tuning of the general pathogen response during the course of co-evolution. Additionally, the host- or nonhost-related responses were rather specific for each pair of adapted and non-adapted isolates, indicating that the nonhost resistance-related responses were to a great extent pathosystem-specific. This pathosystem-specific reprogramming may reflect different resistance mechanisms operating against non-adapted pathogens with different lifestyles, or equally, different co-option of the hosts by the adapted isolates to create an optimal environment for infection. To compare the transcriptional reprogramming between wheat and barley, putative orthologues were identified. Within the wheat and barley general pathogen-regulated genes, temporal expression profiles of orthologues looked similar, indicating conserved general responses in Triticeae against fungal attack. However, the comparison of orthologues differentially expressed between host and nonhost interactions revealed fewer commonalities between wheat and barley, but rather suggested different host or nonhost responses in the two cereal species.




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